True or False: The exterior of a cell has a net positive charge and the interior has a net negative charge.
Bonus: If false, please fix the statement to be true.
Bonus does not exist.
The place where a brain goes to school.
What is the hippocampus?
The day before yesterday, Ajinkya was 7 years old. Next year, he will turn 10. How is this possible?
Today is January 1st. Yesterday was Ajinkya's birthday. Hence this year he will turn 9 this year and 10 the next year.
What are glia in the CNS called? How about PNS?
CNS: Oligodendrocyte
PNS: Schwann Cells
What are gray and white matter of the CNS?
Bonus: Why is white matter so "white?"
White matter is the axons connecting gray matter together.
Gray matter is everything else: soma (cell body in CNS), dendrites, axon terminals, synapses.
Bonus: White matter's whiteness comes from the myelin sheaths surrounding the axons.
During this phase of the action potential, if a second stimulus is applied to the neuron, a second action potential will not be generated.
Refractory Period
A fish that performs brain surgery.
What is a neurosturgeon?
You are in a house with 4 windows, all of which face South. A bear walks by. What color is the bear?
White (You are at the North Pole)
What is the name of the structure(s) that receives impulses from other neurons?
Bonus: What language was this term derived from and what does it mean in that language?
Bonus: Greek: Derived from the word "Dendron" meaning tree
What are the folds and grooves between the folds called?
Folds are called gyrus (gyri plural).
Grooves are called sulcus (sulci plural).
Set these events in chronological order: Depolarization, Hyperpolarization, Resting State, Repolarization.
Resting State, Depolarization, Repolarization, Hyperpolorization, Back to Resting State
A neuroscientist's favorite dog.
What is a laboratory retriever?
What is found only in the middle of each month, in all of the seasons, except summer, and occurs only in the night, never in the day?
The letter 'N'
How are impulses transferred across a synapse?
Neurotransmitters are released and they diffuse across the synapse.
What part of the brain connects the two halves together?
Bonus: How many axons are contained in this brain part?
a) 2,000,000
b) 20,000,000
c) 200,000,000
d) 2,000,000,000
e) None of the Above
Corpus Callosum
Bonus: C) 200,000,000 axons
Describe the significance of resting and threshold potentials.
Bonus: What are the standard numerical values of each?
The resting potential is the difference in voltage when the neuron is not firing any signals.
The threshold potential is the voltage level the neuron must exceed to initiate an action potential, and the voltage spikes up.
Resting: -70 mV
Threshold: -55 mV
What one half of the brain said to the other.
I LOBE you!
A prisoner is in jail. There are two doors; one that leads to freedom, and the other leads to death. One guard guards each door, and one of them always tells the truth, while the other one always lies. The prisoner is allowed to ask one question to either guard. What is the question that will guarantee his freedom?
If I were to ask the other guard which were the door leading to freedom, what would he say?
What is the last site in the soma where membrane potentials propagated from synaptic inputs are summated?
Axon Hillock
What hormone does the pineal gland secrete and what does it control in our body?
Bonus: Name the chemical formula for this hormone. (300)
Secretes melatonin to maintain our circadian rhythm.
The chemical formula is C13 H16 N2 O2.