This is the official date of Nevada's Birthday (Statehood). Give me the month, day, and year.
What is October 31, 1864?
This is the abbreviation that the post office uses for the state of Nevada.
What is NV?
The name, year, and city that Nevada's first community college opened.
What is The Great Basin College in Elko in 1967?
This Las Vegas Casino was the first hotel to start an airline baggage check-in service.
What the Imperial Palace?
In 1931, this was the first casino to open in Nevada.
What is the Pair-O-Dice Club?
The 3 nicknames for the state of Nevada.
What are the Sagebrush State, The Silver State, and the Battle Born State?
The name of the 5 states that border Nevada.
What are California, Utah, Arizona, Oregon, and Idaho?
In 1960, Nevada had 16,067 of these. By 1999, it had 205,726. Now, there are only about 127,000.
What are slot machines?
This is the tallest, free-standing, observation structure west of the Mississippi River.
What is the Stratosphere Hotel and Casino?
Nevada is a Spanish word meaning this.
What is snow-clad?
This is the name of a Nevada ghost town that still has a bank and other buildings that are on display.
What is Rhyolite?
This is Nevada's State motto.
What is "All For Our Country?"
During this war, Nevada was chosen as a site to test nuclear weapons.
What is the Cold War?
Las Vegas has more of these than any other place on earth.
What are hotel rooms?
These are 3 of Nevada's largest Native American Tribes.
What are Shoshone, Washoe, and Paiute?
This Morse Code , sent from Carson City to Washington D.C. in 1864, was the longest telegram ever sent, taking several hours to tap out.
What is the Nevada State Constitution?
The place and the year that Nevada's State Artifact, the Tule Duck, was discovered.
What is 1924 in Lovelock?
Nevada ranks 1st in the United States and 2nd in the World producing this metal.
What is gold?
The name of the famous Las Vegas performer whose home was used in the movie "Vegas Vacation."
Who is Wayne Newton?
Highway 50, a 287 mile stretch between Ely and Fernley, got this nickname in 1986.
What is the Loneliest Highway in America?
This item was specifically invented for people who worked to build the Hoover Dam.
What is the Construction Worker Hard Hat?
The song's name, the year it was written, and the artist's name who wrote the Nevada State Song.
What is "Home Means Nevada" written in 1932 by Bertha Raffetto?
The History Channel named these 4 features about Nevada that bring tourists to our state every year.
What are Area 51, the casinos of Las Vegas, Lake Mead, and the Hoover Dam?
The name of the show and the hotel/casino that had the longest running show since 1959.
What is The Folies Bergere at the Tropicana Hotel and Casino?
This made Nevada famous in 1859.
What is the Comstock Lode?