Member Qualification
Account Products
Account Types
Wild Card

You can be a member of Wellby if you live, work, worship, attend school, or regularly conduct business in the city of Houston, Texas City or a city within this county.

What is Galveston county?

Every single account holder at Wellby has to have this account, that has to have $5 (that we provide) in it that holds the member's share in the CU.

What is the Primary Savings?


Our basic membership accounts will be found under this option in the Meridian Link application.

What is Personal?


This document is what a member will sign for any savings, checking, or certificate account that they are opening with Wellby.

What is a TX Account Card (signature card)?


Bankers should complete this form when a member or non-member signs in to meet with someone.

What is the Member's Needs Assessment? 


ACC stands for this.

What is the American Consumer Council?


This account is a great product for members that are looking to save money and earn higher rates of interest.

What is a Savings Plus account?


Texas Uniform Transfer to Minors Accounts.

What are TUTMA accounts?


If a person applies for and is denied an account with Wellby, they must be provided with this.

What is an Adverse Action form?


New members that are wanting to inquire about accounts that we offer beyond the basic savings, checking, and certificate options we have should be referred to their branch's representative from this dept.

Who is Wealth Management?


This resource is where you can go to see the different fields of membership and who we serve.

What is the Wellby Sharepoint Site (or the Wellby Wiki)?


The minimum amount that must be deposited in order to open a certificate account, regardless of the term.

What is $1000?


Wellby does not offer business accounts, but we do offer accounts that are similar to them but for non-profit organizations

What are Organization accounts?


Any time a member opens up a checking account, they must sign this document.

What is an Overdraft Disclosure?


The members must provide us this document for Organization accounts. It states who all is going to be authorized signers on the account, and what their titles will be.

What are Meeting Minutes?


When a member qualifies for membership through the ACC, the only difference for the member is they will receive this.

What are twice-yearly mailings?


Our savings/checking account products that we offer for minors are known as this. They allow members has young as 4 years old to have a checking account.

What are Early Start/Achievement accounts? 


A legal arrangement in which a grantor allows a third party to manage assets on behalf of the beneficiaries

What is a Trust Account?


Any time that the applicant's role on an account is going to be as an "authorized signer" the member will have to sign this form, stating who all the authorized signers are going to be.

What is an Account Authorization Card?


For an Estate account, the member must provide us an original death certificate, as well as this document that states who the executor/executrix of the estate is

What are Letters of Testamentary?
