Various parts of a poem to create an overall, unified effect.
What is Form?
Closely examining the form and content of the text to analyze its deeper meaning.
What is Close Reading?
Assumption that poem's meaning is only expression of author's intentions and experiences
What is Intentional Fallacy?
Indirectly implying an emotional response without directly stating the emotion by a set of objects, situation, and chain of events.
What is Objective Correlative?
A literary device used by New Criticists to analyze deeper meaning of the text.
What is irony?
Examining the writing elements and literary devices in the poetry itself to interpret the reading without taking into account the history or biography of the author.
What is New Criticism?
Assumption that reader's emotional response is important in the reading.
What is Affective Fallacy?
Dictionary meaning of a word.
What is denotation?
Opposition or conflict operating in the text.
What is tension?
Analysis method of arriving at the poem's meaning by intense close reading of the text without knowledge of the author and dates.
What is Practical Criticism?
Poetry writing isn't equated to author's feeling or intentions
What is Objective Theory of Art?
Implied meaning of a word.
What is Connotation?
Observation of the text only to approach literary analysis.
What is Formalism?
The study of literary works such as poetry that lead to the truth.
What is Aesthetic Experience?