Where is Dinu from?
He is from India.
Who wrote this Jeopardy quiz?
It was written by Adam.
Where is India located?
India is located in South Asia.
How many sandwiches are on page 21?
There are eleven sandwiches on page 21.
What language does Dinu speak to his family at home?
He speaks Marathi.
Who wrote Botchan?
It was written by Natsume Soseki.
What are some words that come from Hindi?
Pajamas, shampoo, daruma
Has Hana seen an Indian movie?
Hana has never seen an Indian movie.
What word is on Dinu's shirt on page 22 of your text book?
Who directed Princess Mononoke?
It was directed by Miyazaki Hayao.
How many official languages does India have?
India has twenty-two official languages.
Who wrote The Tale of Peter Rabbit?
It was written by Beatrix Potter.
What does Dinu's guidebook say about Miyajima?
It's one of the most beautiful places in Japan.
Who directed Yojimbo?
It was directed by Kurosawa Akira.
When was India ruled by the British?
The British ruled India from the 1600s to the mid-1900s.
come across
On what page in chapter two can you see Jing?
Page 22
What is Dinu's full name?
Dinesh Sharma
Who directed Star Wars?
It was directed by George Lucas.
What money is used in India?
Rupee notes are used in India.
Can the timers on page 31 be used as clocks?
Yes, they can.