What money is used in India?
sitting / Riku / on the / boy / The / is / bench
The boy sitting on the bench is Riku.
Tom ___ ____ ________ since lunch.
Tom has been sleeping since lunch.
To translate
What country is Nia from?
Wales (in the UK)
Who was 'Hello, Goodbye' written by?
The Beatles
used / The / most / computers / days / are
The computers are used most days.
This picture ___ _______ __ Leonardo Da Vinci.
This picture was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci.
Useful, Helpful
What animal is Nia's country known for?
What is Satoshi's name in the English version of Pokemon?
Ash (Ketchum)
London? / been / you / long / have / How / staying / in
How long have you been staying in London?
I have a friend ___ watches anime.
I have a friend who/that watches anime.
What drink do British people drink the most?
Who gave the "I have a Dream" speech?
Martin Luther King Jr.
the UK / visit / country / to / I / want / The / is
The country I want to visit is the UK.
__ pigs ___ wings, they _____ fly.
If pigs had wings, they could fly.
How many countries are there in the UK?
(Wales, Northern Island, Scotland, and England)
How many official languages are there in India?
languages / could / I / I / speak / wish / many
I wish I could speak many languages.
He _______ me to fix my computer.
He helped me to fix my computer.
Who is the only person in the UK to not need a passport to travel abroad?
The King (Charles 3rd)
All passports are issued in his name!