Books of the Bible
Characters of the Bible
Famous Bible Quotes
Lovers of the Bible

The Bible has this many books.

a.  100

b.  66

c.  50

d.  22

b.  66


This person is called "wonderful, counselor ... "

a.  Isaiah

b.  Moses

c.  Deborah

d.  Jesus Christ

d.  Jesus Christ


"But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." is a quote from which person in the bible?

a.  David

b.  Samuel

c.  Joshua

d.  Ezekiel

c.  Joshua


This first couple of the bible ate the forbidden fruit and brought about the Fall of Man.

a.  David and Bathsheba

b.  Samson and Delilah

c.  Adam and Eve

d.  Isaac and Rebekah

c.  Adam and Eve


This book speaks of End Times.

a.  Genesis

b.  1 John

c.  The Revelation

d.  Deuteronomy

c.  The Revelation


This person went to Ninevah.

a.  Saul

b.  Jonah

c.  Noah

d.  Peter

b.  Jonah


This person said, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."

a.  Paul

b.  Peter

c.  James

d.  Jude

a.  Paul


God promised this impatient couple a child even though they were far too old to have children.

a.  Abram and Sarai

b.  Ruth and Boaz

c.  Joseph and Mary

d.  David and Bathsheba

a.  Abram and Sarai


These 4 books are known as The Gospels.

a.  Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

b.  Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers

c.  Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians

d.  Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, Psalms, Proverbs

a.  Matthew, Mark, Luke, John


This person rebuilt Jerusalem.

a.  Nehemiah

b.  David

c.  Solomon

d.  Moses

a.  Nehemiah


This person from the bible said, "For wherever you go, I will go.  And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, And your God, my God."

a.  Mary Magdalene

b.  Esther

c.  Ruth

d.  Hannah

c.  Ruth


This couple's love story begins when he instructs his workers to leave behind extra grains for her to glean. They became the great-grandparents of King David.

a.  Isaac and Rebekah

b.  Samson and Delilah

c.  Ruth and Boaz

d.  Jacob and Rachel

c.  Ruth and Boaz


This book speaks of a flood.

a.  Jonah

b.  Habakkuk

c.  Hebrews

d.  Genesis

d.  Genesis


This person was heaven's worship leader.

a.  Raphael

b.  Michael

c.  Lucifer

d.  Gabriel

c.  Lucifer


This quote is from which person of the bible: "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you ... "

a.  Solomon

b.  Peter

c.  Paul

d.  David

b.  Peter


The servant of this man's father prayed to the Lord a young woman would offer him and his camels, water to drink.  She would be the woman his master's son would marry.  This couple become the grandparents of the 12 tribes of Israel.

a.  Jacob and Rachel

b.  Joseph and Mary

c.  Elkanah and Hannah

d.  Isaac and Rebekah

d.  Isaac and Rebekah


This book refers to Christians as "new creations".

a.  1 Timothy

b.  2 John

c.  2 Corinthians

d.  1 Thessalonians

c.  2 Corinthians


This person spoke to a donkey.

a.  Daniel

b.  Balaam

c.  Job

d.  Solomon

b.  Balaam


This was written by which person in the bible: "For I know the thoughts I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." 

a.  Daniel

b.  Ezekiel

c.  Isaiah

d.  Jeremiah

d.  Jeremiah


Though initially barren, this couple become the parents of Samuel, one of Israel's great prophets.

a.  Jacob and Leah

b.  Elkanah and Hannah

c.  David and Bathsheba

d.  Joseph and Mary

b.  Elkanah and Hannah
