What does "AAA" stand for?
Agricultural Adjustment Act
What was it called when FDR closed all banks in the US until Government audits declared them able to pay their debts?
Bank Holiday's
Soil Conservation Act
Laws mandating proper soil maintenance/conservation
The nickname of the shantytowns filled with the unemployed named after a infamous President
Who is St Valentines Day named after?
Saint Valentine
What does "SEC" stand for?
Securities and Exchange Commission
What was the program called that payed Farmers not to work/grow crops?
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Civil Works Administration
Provided temporary jobs, repairing roads and bridges
A nasty storm of dust that devastated the farmlands during the Great Depression
Dust Bowl
What is the little boy with the arrows, who you see on cards name?
What does "WPA" stand for?
Works Progress Administration
A program that gave businesses' power to set rules and regulations for economy
National Industrial Recovery Act
Civillian Conservation Corps
Temporary jobs for unmarried single adults, fill up sandbags and other disaster preparation
Radio broadcasts done by FDR to speak to US citizens in a down to earth manner
Fireside Chats
What century was the first valentine written?
What does "NIRA" stand for?
National Industrial Recovery Act
A program that gave people the money they did not have to purchase a home/mortgage and get them off the street
Home Owners Loan Act
Federal Emergency Relief Act
Gave immediate help to those that needed it in form of cash payments
What army wanted their bonus from the government?
Bonus Army
Finish the sentence.."life is like a box of
What does "NLRA/NLRB" stand for?
National Labour Relations Act and National Labours Relations Board
What is the program created to build dams in the Tennessee river valley to provide cheap hydroelectric power?
Tennessee Valley Authority
Works Progress Administration
Provided long term government jobs building schools and other public work projects
What was the New Deal?
Series of programs introduced by FDR to combat Great Depression
What are the names of two star crossed lovers written about in a famous play
Romeo and Juliet