How many states are in New England
what is 6
What are the three main terrains in New England
What is rolling hills, forests, and lots of coastline
What is one of the vegetables produced?
What fruit did they like to pick?
Largest city in New England
What is Boston
What is the smallest state in the New England region
what is rhode island
What day were the pilgrims forbidden to cook?
What is Sunday
What three types of beans were produced?
what is Snap, Lima, and Dry
What dessert did they eat for breakfast?
What is pie
What is the smallest state in New England?
What is Rhode Island
What is the largest state in New England
what is maine
What was different about New England's seasons?
The summers are warm and shorter and the winters are very cold and long
What two things did they do in the Christmas season?
What city and state was Ben & Jerry's ice cream home to?
What is Waterbury, Vermont