Name one crop that grew in New England
Corn, Squash (Pumpkins), Beans
What was the Mayflower's original destination?
Name the two significant religious groups in New England that we talked about in class.
Pilgrims and Puritans
True or False: The Native Americans and the Pilgrims never got along.
The two original girls who were "afflicted" by witches were what age?
9 and 11
Name two things the New Englanders traded for wheat and tools
Lumber, fish, maple syrup, or livestock
What was the name of the document that established Plymouth Colony's form of government?
The Mayflower Compact
Why did the Pilgrims travel to America?
For religious freedom and to separate themselves from the Church of England
Which three crops were extremely important to the Native American tribes in the New England region?
Corn, Squash, and Beans (The Three Sisters)
There were three women who were initially accused of being a witch. Name one of them.
Sarah Good
Sarah Osbourne
The economy of New England was based on which two things?
Trees (lumber) and fishing
When voting on an issue, the Pilgrims would govern themselves based on a ______ rule.
How were the Puritans different than the Pilgrims?
They wanted to reform (change) the church, not seperate from it.
What was the name of the Native American who taught the Pilgrims how to plant native crops?
Squanto or Tisquantum
What finally caused Governor Phips to put a stop to the trials?
His wife was accused of being a witch.
Name two states that were once part of the New England colonies
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
Which King was in charge of England when the Pilgrims came to America (Hint: They reference him twice in the Mayflower Compact)
King James
True or False: Pocahontas attended the first Thanksgiving.
What was a possible reason we discussed that may have caused the "afflicted" to act as they did?
-Ate food with a fungus/bacteria
-Were seeking attention
-Wanted to find a way to get rid of unwanted members of the town