Missionary Work
Follow the Prophet
The Future
Faraway Friends
Doctrine and Covenants 19:23
What is the 2018 mutual (youth) theme? [page 21]
Samantha Best joined the church following this simple question by her neighbors.
What is help them build a fence and/or go to church with them? [page 31]
He counseled youth and young adults to “study the Savior’s words.”
Who is President Nelson? [page 2]
Put your trust in this which leadeth to do good (D&C 11:12)
What is the spirit? [page 48]
“____ and his family prayed together and told Heavenly Father of their desire to keep his commandments and asked for His help. Then ___ and his mother talked to the coaches of the team about their beliefs. To their surprise, the coaches wanted _____ on the team even if he didn’t play on Sundays!”
Who is Will [W., of San Francisco]? [page 29]
This book shows you how to gain your own testimony.
What is the Book of Mormon? [page 36]
“Forms to fill out? Interviews? Medical and dental exams? I thought all I had to do to serve a mission was______.”
What is grow a foot or two? [page 40]
“To those of you who feel you don’t have time, if you will make a sacrifice, ________.”
What is “you will be well rewarded”? [page 4]
Certain life skills - skills you can develop now - will help in almost any situation. Some of these life skills or life prep skills include spending time on what your friends enjoy, saying something kind face to face to 10 different people every day and doing this to 25 different people every day for a month.
What is Smile? [page 44]
“I’m ______, and I love to go scuba diving with my dad. Being underwater is a great way to relax after a stressful day or week at school. I love the consistency the gospel provides, especially nowadays when we are in a world of changing values. Whenever we feel challenged or unsure about something, we can turn to the scriptures and receive the answers we need to bring us closer to the Savior.”
Who is Samuel [W., of Cuba]? [page 32]
“The Savior . . . is the source and author of peace. He is the _____________.” - Elder Quentin L. Cook
Who/what is the Prince of Peace? [page 26]
The number of translated languages of the Book of Mormon.
What is 111? [page 45]
The number of scriptures/citations looked up and marked by President Nelson.
What is 2,200? [page 2]
“Sometimes a ____________ is the best gift you can give someone struggling with depression.”
What is a listening ear? [page 42]
She said “I love art! I especially love painting and sketching people and flowers… My favorite thing about the gospel is eternal families. I was adopted when I was just one day old. Growing up, I dealt with feeling like someone didn’t want me so they gave me up. But I realized as I got older how blessed I was. I’m grateful for the sealing power of the temple and that I was sealed to my adoptive family…”
Who is Sabrina [from California]? [page 33]
This brings “the visitation of the Holy Ghost” (Moroni 8:26) and is a “fruit of the Spirit” (see Galatians 5:22-23).
What is meekness? [page 26]
As a member of the Church, Joshua Mana was particularly impressed with this group of young adults.
What/who are Returned Missionaries/RM’s? [page 18]
“God’s children should learn to _____, then _____ to learn from the Lord.” - President Nelson
What is listen? [page 26]
“__________________ is something that can affect your happiness in this life and in the eternities.”
What is deciding whom to marry/? [page 43]
This is where the 39th operating temple is located.
What is/ where is Buenos Aires Argentina? [page 45]
Jesus Christ speaks to us through these three means.
What are scriptures, living prophets and the Holy Ghost? [page 23]
The area where Elder Ronald A. Rasband served as a missionary in this mission from 1970-1972.
What is the Eastern States Mission? [page 49]
The number of years Brigham Young was president of the church.
What is 30? [page 45]
This former apostle taught “Don’t give up what you most want in life for something you think you want now.”
Who is Elder Richard G. Scott? [page 14]
This person said “I was really stressed about finals week at the end of the school year. I decided to fast and pray that I could prepare well and be successful in my finals. After the exams, I got my scores back and I had only missed one problem on each of my exams!... This experience helped me feel like Jesus Christ cared about me and that He wanted me to do well in my life.”
Who is Hannah J., 16, Minnesota, USA? [page 11]