Fur Trade
Coureurs de Bois
Key Terms
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Ch. 1 & 2
This was the type of pelt that there was the most demand for. It was used for hats, coats and trim.
What is beaver.
As a rule, these men travelled in groups of ______ .
What is 3.
These were 2 of the duties of a priest in New France (you can name any two).
What is baptizim, conducting mass, burials, writing wills, recording buisness dealings, registering all births and deaths, spiritual guiding and education.
Castor Gras was the term for these type of pelts.
What is greasy.
At the age of 43, he married Helene Boulle (who was 12 at the time).
Who is Champlain.
This was the most famous fur trading company and was given the fur trade monopoly for all of New France from 1627 to 1663.
What is The Company of One Hundred Associates.
The coureurs de bois built trust with the Aboriginal people and sometimes ________ the Aboriginal women.
What is wed/married.
Missionaries believed it was their duty to convert the Aboriginal peoples to this religion.
What is Christianity.
The definition of this word is a dry beaver pelt.
What is castor sec.
This is how the term "Indian" had originated to describe the First Nations people of North America.
What is European Explorers thinking they had found India.
Merchants traded clothes, tools, blankets, brandy and this most popular item for furs.
What is a gun.
The Coureur de bois took charge in transporting furs for the Aboriginals when this tribe became a threat.
Who are the Iroquois.
These missionaries were sent to New France under the order of the King, and and helped to found settlements in New France. They were members of a religious community known as the Society of Jesus.
Who are the Jesuits.
Exclusive rights to fur trade in a certain area.
What is a monopoly.
He was the first European explorer to discover North America in 1492. Although, this Spanish explorer thought it was Asia.
Who is Columbus.
Although the fur trade was a profitable buisness for both the Europeans and the Aboriginal peoples, it also had this negative impact on the Aboriginal peoples.
What is dependancy on European technology and loss of cultural traditions. The development of tools and weapons seriously decreased among the First Nations.
By 1678, there were ___ hundred Coureurs de bois in New France.
What is 600.
These were 2 responsibilities of Nuns in New France (name any 2).
What is teaching reading, writing, housekeeping, Christianity, nursing, and matchmaking.
The first missionaries arrived from New France and were members of a religious community. This is the official term for them.
What is Jesuits.
This disease, contracted by many explorers was cause by the lack of vitamin C from fresh fruits and vegetables.
What is scurvy.
At the beginning of the 18th century, too many furs were reaching Europe. This greater supply than demand is referred to as this.
What is a surplus.
Eventually the government and the church wanted the Coureur de bois to stay at home to develop the settlements; so they created a law that only those with permits could continue to trade with the Aboriginal people. These permits were limited in numbers, so many Coureurs de bois continued to trade without them. Traders with permits were known as this.
Who are voyageurs.
Nuns that were not CLOISTERED were able to do this.
What is leave the convent to help in the community.
Many young men who wanted adventure went to New France and were called this, which meant "runners of the woods".
What is coureurs de bois.
Beaver pelts were the preferred pelt of the Europeans, but other pelts were traded as well. For instance, 1 bearskin was equal to ____ beaver pelts.
What is 2. It took 12 beaver pelts to buy 1 gun, 4 beaver pelts to buy 4.5L of brandy, and 2 beaver pelts to buy 10 fishhooks. If this trade value is in fact accurate, it would have been necessary for 24 bears to die, to purchase 1 gun.