This individual was the second President of the United States and was the first President to identify with a political party.
Who is John Adams
The capital of the United States was moved here in 1790
What is Washington D.C.
This man lost the presidency in 1800 to Thomas Jefferson and killed Alexander Hamilton during a duel.
Who was Aaron Burr
The Embargo Act of 1807 stopped us from trading with...
Who was al foreign nations.
Who are the Warhawks.
This woman is responsible for helping guide Lewis and Clark on the Corpse of Discovery.
Who is Sacagawea
“Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute”, was the American reaction to…
What was the XYZ Affair
This President warned the American people against a forming political parties and a forming foreign alliances.
Who is George Washington
This country had the greatest navy in the world at the time of the War of 1812.
Who was Great Britain
Who said, "Let us, then, fellow-citizens, unite with one heart and one mind. . . . Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. . . . We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists." in their Inaugural Address?
Who was Thomas Jefferson
This man wrote the Star Spangled Banner following the defence of Fort McHenry
Who was Francis Scott Key
The three sections to Hamilton's Financial Plan are ...
What was raising taxes and tariffs, creating a national bank, and pay off all war debt.
This President asked Congress to declare war on Great Britain.
Who was James Madison
The Sedition Act was seen as Unconstitutional by the Democratic Republicans because it broke this amendment ...
What is the first amendment.
This political party believed in a strong national government, loose interpretation of the Constitution and having wealthy people in charge.
Where were the Federalists
This is the nickname of the USS Constitution
What is Old Ironsides
This Treaty ended the War of 1812
What is the Treaty of Ghent
This man explored the rivers in the new Western Territory except the Rio Grande
Who was Zebulon Pike
Finding this was the primary purpose of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
What was a route to the Pacific Ocean.
This Congressman from Kentucky was the leader of the Warhawks.
Who was Henry Clay
These two men (first and last name) were the leaders of the Corpse of Discovery funded by Thomas Jefferson into the Louisiana Purchase Territory
Who are Meriwether Lewis and William Clark
These are the three reasons for the war of 1812
What were:
1) Impressment of American sailors
2) British restrictions on trade
3) British aid of Native Americans
This man was the Native American chief who wanted to unite the tribes during the War of 1812.
Who was Tecumseh
Creation of more accurate maps, growth of the fur trade dn mistaken maps of the Great Plains are all effects of this event:
What was Westward Exploration
DAILY DOUBLE: This is Ms. Broderick's favorite boy band of all time
Who are the Backstreet Boys