Core Values
Who For What ? (Staff)
Who For What ? (Admin)
Counseling Procedures
Bonus Review

This core value is about the ability to put yourself in another person’s shoes



What are you required to have if you want to make a phone call at the front office?

A pass from a teacher


What is Ms. A’s role at New Heights?

Ms. Alves


Name the counselor and what grades she is assigned to.

Ms. Lynott

6th, 7th, 8th grade


You arrive to school and realize you do not have the appropriate uniform shirt on. What do you do?

  • A Dean or you advisory should approach you if you are not in uniform. Otherwise go to the front desk for assistance.
  • Larger uniform infractions: front desk and then R&R room


This core value is about being truthful with yourself and others, even if you make a mistake.



What is the name of the school Nurse ?

Nurse Rena


Who is the Dean of Students? Who is the Dean of Culture List two responsibilities for each? 

Mr. Klayman - Dean of Students

  • Oversees the merit system and R & R 

  • Handles restorative situations

Mr. Cunningham - Dean of Culture

  • Monitors school culture and works to implement initiatives that foster a positive and safe school community

  • Plans and schedules school events

  • Runs after school


Where do you go if you want to make a request to meet with a counselor?

Fill out a counselor pass and drop it in the mailbox


You need to call home to make sure someone is available to pick you up after school. What do you do?

Ask your teacher for a pass and go to the front desk for assistance


This core value is about creative and independent thinking and problem solving



Who and where do you go if you're late ?

Ms. Justinvil and the front desk


When are you allowed to request to see Ms. Silva (Principal- Head of School)?

During an appropriate time of the day. Also, if you have a problem that has not already been addressed, or you are not satisfied with the way it has been addressed by your teacher(s), Mr. Klayman, or a counselor.


Your counselor is not available. What do you do?

Put your reflection form in your counselor’s mailbox and return to class. Students are not permitted to wait for a counselor.


Where do you return your Chromebook at the end of the day?

Your Advisory's chromebook cart


This core value is about the ability to work hard and persevere through difficult moments.



What times does advisory meet? List three things you will do in advisory.

Daily from 7:40-8:27 am and 3:50-4 pm

  • Review merit/demerit reports

  • Community building and character activities

  • Create an Individual Learning Plan (ILP)


What is Mr. Walkers title ?

Executive Director


My counselor is not available but I have an emergency. What do I do?

Mr. Klayman and Ms. Alves will work together to determine which situations need immediate attention. If immediate action is required, a counselor will be available to help.


What does it mean to be on College Ready status? What color lanyard do College Ready Scholars wear?

What does it mean to be on College Prep Status? What color lanyard do College Ready Scholars wear?

  • Scholars on College Ready Status are able to enjoy all extracurricular activities, school field trips, full dress down Fridays, college ready lunch lounge, and many other incentives. Head phones use will be allowed during certain times of the day like Aleks.

  • Green Lanyard for College Ready Status

  • Scholars on College Prep Status are able to enjoy most extracurricular activities. Which include some field trips, can change tops only for dress down days, and some other incentives.


This core value is about the ability to work hard and persevere through difficult moments.



What does the R&R stand for? Who runs it?

Reflect and Restore

Mr. Weaver runs it


Who are the Academic Deans ? 

Dean Zern - Dean of Stem

Dean Stephney - Dean of Humanities


What are the three limits of confidentiality?

  • If a student says they want to hurt themselves 

  • If a student says they want to hurt someone else

  • If a student reports they are being hurt, or at risk of being hurt, by anyone


When can scholars use the bathroom ?

* When the scholar has a bathroom emergency

* During Lunch

* During Advisory

* Can not use the bathroom the first 10 minutes of class and con not use the bathroom the last 10 minutes of class.
