Finance Questions
Agent/Named Insured Questions

How long is the initial review on any UWR

1-3 Business days


Do we offer Earthquake Coverage?

No but we are partnered with Palomar and we get a quote that is sent to the AG 


Where are our checks sent from?

Check are sent from Centennial, CO


Will we cover a policy with a closed dog bite claim?

We will, but the dog will not be covered.


What is the new cancellation process?

Check SnapSheet to make sure that there are no open claims.


Can we review anything on an E&S quote

No it all has to be sent to eands@bambooinsurance.com

The AG will have to wait for the review to be completed


What score requires to have a Difference in Conditions(DIC) to be on the policy

Properties with a Fireline score higher than 3


What does are checks sent out on?

Tuesdays and Fridays


Do we cover mold?

We do not cover mold


How do we process a Broker of Record(BOR) Change Request?

The AG will send in the BOR to CS EM and we will make sure it is fill out correctly and then send to Pam Russell via EM.

NEVER advise an AG to send a BOR directly to Pam


If the AG/NI sends in photos and it shows that the home is under construction will bamboo accept the UWR

No, the home cannot be under construction or in disrepair 


What is Prior Loss Surcharge and what does it increase the policy by?

- The Prior Loss Surcharge recognizes the loss history of an insured, applicant or property in determining the appropriate premium for a new or renewal policy. Loss from the previous year upon renewal

- Increase basic premium by 15%


What ticket do you enter for a Same Day Void on a payment

ACH and CC ticket and tag your TL so that it will be completed the same day and AG can then make another payment


Do we write seasonal/secondary homes?

We can write seasonal/secondary properties under DP-3 only


What do we need for an effective date change on an active policy?

We need an EM from the MTG company stating that they are closing on a different date or we need a declarations page from the prior carrier 


Do we require quick release on all windows that are barred?

We need quick releases on rooms that do not have a direct exit outside EI. Bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. If the living room has a window but that window is next to the front or back door leading outside, then no quick release required.


What does the DIC endorsement cover?

Non-weather water (pipe and appliance leaks) losses, theft, and liability


Can we request for finance to send a RP check to another NI, AG, or 3P?

No it has to be sent to the 1st NI on the policy. 


Do we accept Tiny homes?

We do accept Tiny homes but it needs to be on a solid foundation and the RCV would need to be above 70,000.


How do we add Solar Panels to a policy Mid-Term and what is the process to get them added on?

We need receipts, and photos. 

We do not accept Tesla Solar Panels or if they are just being rented.

Create a non renewal ticket for UW to review and add to the policy


If a claim is open but under a different NI, what do we need to review

We need a LOE stating that the claim is closed and all other required documentation for the UWR. I.E. New Home Inspection Report (NHIR) or an appraisal


What kind of heating is acceptable in a home?

If the heating source is thermostatically controlled and not listed under the unacceptable risks in our guidelines, then it is fine.


Can we take payment via email?

We cannot, we can only take payment via phone call. If the insured or agent provides payment info via email, please delete the email in outlook and follow up advising to call us in to make a payment.


If the first named insured on a policy passed away and no one else is on the policy what do we need to speak to a 3P

We need a copy of the death certificate and we need a copy of the Power of Attorney(POA) or executor of estate documents. Then any information can be provided to them


What to do if the Policy Application and DIC form is not signed within 14 days?

Enter in a cancellation pending ticket due to no signed documents.
