A device that can be used to put out fires
Fire extinguisher
Division of the Department of Labor that establishes and enforces safety standards for the workplace
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
Being free from infection
Provides standards for protecting health information
'Bad practice' or professional negligence
Pull the pin; Aim at the base of the fire; Squeeze the trigger; Sweep from side to side
The way in which the body moves and maintains balance
Body mechanics
Area that is set up for certain procedures and free from all organisms Sterile Field
Sterile Field
Tells what level of care and rights a patient has when in a health care facility
Patients Bill of Rights
Failure to give care that is normally expected of a person in a particular position
Rescue anyone in immediate danger; Activate the alarm; Contain the fire; Extinguish the fire
Requires that employers inform employees of all chemicals and hazards in the workplace
Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals Standard
Protective barriers such as mask, gown, gloves, protective eyewear
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Passed as part of the OBRA specifying services that nursing homes must provide and standards
Nursing Home Reform Act
Hitting, forcing people against ther will
Physical abuse
Used on flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline, oil, paint, grease, and cooking fat fires
Class B fire extinguisher
Applied science used to promote the safety and well-being of a person by adapting the environment
Piece of equipment used to sterilize articles by way of steam under pressure and/or dry heat
Law mandating that all health care facilities must offer assistance with preparing advance directives
Patient Self Determination Act
What does OBRA stand for?
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
Used on burning combustible metals
Class D fire extinguisher
Standing with feet 8-10 inches apart
Base of support
What is the preferred method of hand hygiene in a healthcare setting if hands are not visibly soiled and the resident does not have a C. diff infection?
Alcohol-based Hand Rub (ABHR)
Mandates the amount of training required for a nursing assistant
What does PSDA stand for?
Patient Self-Determination Act