Input type options
What are Auto, Call in/out or email in/out?
Sent through SB messenger.
What are PPR and PPS?
Client emails new EE information in body of email and has already had a curtesy.
What is send back the Add New Hire form?
Client refuses to use the UTI when emailing in
Important information to include about frequency batches
What is that a client has more than 1 batch due to frequency?
Client needs 401K report.
What is guide client to HR & Payroll>Reports & Analytics>Reporting>Search: 401K
Client has never used a UTI, what do you do?
What is create one for them based on the last payroll?
Question to ask client when they are requesting an exception.
Client has more than 1 frequency
What is create batches based on frequency, confirm the batches pull the correct people and add to payroll notes.
Client provides census form and requests us to fill it out
What is provide path to find reports and a few names of reports that might help?
Exceptions that we cannot say 'Yes' to. (multiple examples)
Client has too many employees for call in, refuses to use any of our forms, etc