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Other Quality Tidbits

Excellence, Compassion, Partnership and Integrity come from this HealthPartners framework, and guide all of our work in Regions Quality Department.

What are HealthPartners values?


This type of organization operates in complex, high-hazard domains for extended periods without serious accidents or catastrophic failures.

What is a high reliability organization?


This team’s job is to proactively assess, monitor and manage regulatory and corporate compliance expectations and mandates.

What is the Accreditation Team?


This reporting system, which can be accessed through MyPartner and EPIC, is available to anyone who wants to report a safety concern at Regions Hospital.

What is AWARE?


If you know of an employee who role models the behaviors needed to ensure patient safety and high reliability, you can nominate them for this award by going to AWARE, clicking “Yes” to “Is this a good catch” and entering the person's name.

What is the Health Hero Award?


Using and broadly sharing lessons learned from successes and mistakes is one way we in Regions Quality Department live out this HP value.

What is excellence?


Trusting our peers and leaders to routinely recognize and report errors and identify improvement opportunities fosters this type of culture.

What is a culture of safety?


This team of experts has regular open consultation hours available each week to help support your questions regarding improvement.

Who are the quality consultants?


This director and his team are always available to answer questions about ways to make sure your patient doesn’t catch anything while they are receiving care at Regions.

Who is Boyd Wilson and the Infection Prevention Team?


When you walk through the quality department on a busy day, chances are you will hear someone use this acronym as a verb by saying, “I think we should just P-D-S-A that”.

What is Plan, Do, Study, Act?


Seeking to understand and staying curious are two ways the quality department lives out this HP value.

What is Compassion?


These near miss events are viewed as opportunities to learn about systems issues and potential improvements before harm reaches a patient.

What is a good catch?


This team concurrently reviews documentation in inpatient charts to ensure complete and accurate documentation.

What is the Clinical Documentation Integrity (CDI) Team?


If you have questions about how to investigate a safety event or want advice on ways to ensure high reliability in your department, you can contact this manager and her team.

Who is Lisa Buchsbaum and the Patient Safety Team?


This is the one key action we can all take to help protect ourselves and others from infection.

What is Hand Hygiene


Building strong relationships, collaborating, and seeking to include diverse perspectives is how the quality department lives out this HP value.

What is Partnership?


These three key elements are essential for a high reliable organization.

What are Leadership Commitment, Culture of Safety and Performance Improvement?


The job of ensuring continuous quality improvement, high reliability and fostering a culture of patient safety rests on these shoulders.

Who is Everyone!


If you ever want help figuring out a better way to get something done, these quality leaders and their team have a ton of tricks up their sleeves and are willing to help out.

Who is Danielle Hermes and the Performance Improvement Team?


A concept which emphasizes that mistakes are generally a product of at-risk organizational culture and systems rather than solely brought about by the person or persons directly involved.

What is Just Culture?


Speaking up and helping others do the same is how the quality department continues to live out this HP value.

What is integrity?


The appreciation that the people closest to the work are the most knowledgeable about the work is an example of this high reliability characteristic.

What is a Deference to Expertise?


This team of professionals assist patients and families with their questions and/or concerns about their hospital experience.

What is the Patient Relations Team?


If you ever need guidance on data use, statistical analysis, or help administering data-related projects, pick up the phone and give this manager and her team a call.

Who is Jennifer Haberman and the Data Analytics Team?


These four elements, referred to as the “Quadruple Aim” are thought to be the ultimate destination for the high-performing hospitals and health systems of the future.

What are Well-being, Health, Experience and Affordability?
