What was the first wrapped penny candy in America?
A. Caramel
B. Tootsie Roll
C. Mamba Fruit Chews
What is Tootsie Roll?
True or False: Canadian Thanksgiving was initially celebrated in November?
What is True?
Which species of butterfly migrates from North America to the West or South during autumn?
A. Monarch
B. Orange-tip
C. Painted lady
What is Monarch?
Which kind of snow is suitable for making a snowman?
A. Artificial snow
B. Wet snow
C. Dry snow
What is Wet Snow?
How much money is estimated to be spent on candy every Halloween?
A. 20 million
B. 1 billion
C. 9 billion
What is 9 billion?
How many pounds of candy corn are produced every single year?
A. 10 million
B. 5 million
C. 35 million pounds
What is 35 million?
How much does the average turkey weigh?
A. 15 pounds
B. 10 pounds
C: 20 pounds
What is 15 pounds?
Which agricultural activity is mainly associated with autumn?
A. Planting
B. Seeding
C. Harvesting
What is Harvesting?
Which of the following statements is true about South and North Poles during the winter?
A. Days last only 5 hours
B. Days last only 2 hours
C. They are completely dark
What is They are completely dark?
What can you do for good luck according to an old Fall superstition?
A. Dance in the leaves
B. Eat a leaf
C. Catch a falling leaf
What is Catch a falling leaf?
How many calories are in the average trick-or-treat Halloween bag?
A. 8,000
B. 11,000
C. 5,000
What is 11,000?
What is the best place in the turkey to put the thermometer?
A. Breast
B. Thigh
C. Leg
What is Thigh?
Which British species of birds are known for singing their autumn song?
A. Robin
B. Woodpigeon
C. Blackbird
What is a Robin?
Which condition refers to the damage to body tissue caused by freezing?
What is Frostbite?
What Fall activity was once a British courting ritual?
A. Bobbing for apples
B. Eating a big meal
C. Wearing a dress
What is bobbing for apples?
What were originally used as the first Jack-o'-Lanterns?
A. Turnips
B. Watermelon
C. Melon
What are Turnips?
Canadian Thanksgiving is a statutory holiday except where? (A province in Canada)
Where is Nova Scotia?
In North America, we may use the word "Fall" rather than Autumn. Where did the meaning of the word “fall” originate from?
A. The fall of snow
B. The fall of tree’s leaves
C. The fall of temperature
What is the fall of tree's leaves?
What do we call the state when animals sleep during the winter?
What is Hibernation?
What four colors are commonly associated with fall?
What is Orange, red, yellow, and brown?
What year will have the next Halloween with a full moon?
A. 2027
B. 2032
C. 2039
What is 2039?
Why is Canadian Thanksgiving earlier than American Thanksgiving?
What is Earlier harvesting season?
When does autumn begin in the southern hemisphere of the Earth?
A. January
B. February
C. March
What is March?
What is the main cause of winter?
A. The tilt of the planet’s axis is pointed to the sun
B. The tilt of the planet’s axis is pointed away from the sun
C. The planet moves away from the sun
What is The tilt of the planet’s axis is pointed away from the sun?
What is done to the cranberries to check if they are ready to be harvested?
What is They are bounced?