This is the University Alpha Sigma Tau was founded at
Michigan State Normal College
These two are the Alpha Sigma Tau national colors
green and gold
this is the location of our national headquarters
Indianapolis, Indiana
This is our national philanthropy
womens wellness intiative
"I believe in the values of friendship..."
Alpha Sigma Tau Creed
This is the location of the university where Alpha Sigma Tau was founded
Yipsilanti, Mitchigan
this is the national symbol
the anchor
this is our national magazine
the anchor
The GPA needed to be in good standing within the sorority
"Whatsoever things are lovely"
Philippians IV, 8
This is the date of Alpha Sigma Tau
November 4th, 1899
This is our sorority flower
the yellow rose
This is how often the national convention is held
Every two years
The shorthand for this is the NPC
National Panhellenic Conference
"Invest in women by instilling the skills necessary to navigate life, and inspire women to enrich their own lives and the lives of others"
Alpha Sigma Tau mission
Name three founding of Alpha Sigma Tau
Helen Rice, May Gephart, Mayene Tracy, Mabel Chase, Harriet Marx, Eva O'Keefe, Adriance Rice, and Ruth Dutcher
this is our national jewel
This lovely woman is the current National president of Alpha Sigma Tau
Jamie Jones Miller
This is the first line of the Fraternity Hymn
"Life's gray shadows may creep o'er us"
"For he that would love life and see good days"
I Peter III, 8-11
These are the three founding advisors of alpha sigma tau
Effie Lyman, Ada A. Norton, and Abigail Pearce
These are the five symbols on the Alpha Sigma Tau crest
Book, crown, anchor, six stars, and a candle with spreading rays
these are our 5 core values
Graciousness, Respect, Intellect, Connections, and Excellence (G.R.I.C.E.)
These are the three National Council Positions
National President, National Vice President, and National Collegiate Vice President
" be satisfied with your possessions but not content with yourself until you have made the best of them..."
Footpaths to Peace