In 1540 this Spanish explorer landed in the region, marking the beginning of Spanish colonization. He searched for the 7 cities of gold.
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
The Mexican American War started in this year.
This frontiersman led the Navajo on the Long Walk.
Kit Carson
This group of people developed irrigation techniques that had agriculture to our economy.
Native Americans/Pueblo tribes
This is the nickname of New Mexico.
The Land of Enchantment
In 1598 this Spanish explorer established the first permanent European colony, San Juan Pueblo. He was infamous for cutting off the right foot of the men of the Pueblo.
Juan de Onate
The Mexican American War ended in this year.
This famous outlaw was involved in the Lincoln Country War and was killed by Sheriff Pat Garett.
Billy the Kid.
This group of people brought livestock and crops like wheat and barley into the region.
The Spanish
This is the state flower of New Mexico.
The Yucca.
In this year the Natives revolted against their Spanish rulers and were successful.
The Civil War started in this year.
He was the head of the Manhattan Project and was often referred to as the "father of the atomic bomb".
Robert Oppenheimer
This religion was introduced to the area by the Spanish.
This is the state bird of New Mexico.
The Roadrunner
This Native American was given credit for organizing the rebellion against the Spanish colonists in 1680.
New Mexico becomes a state in this year.
She was one the most famous American modern artists, famous for her New Mexico landscapes.
Georgia O'Keeffe
This people group were skilled at basketry and pottery.
Native Americans
This is the largest city in New Mexico.
This Spanish colonists reconquered New Mexico for Spain in 1692.
Don Diego de Vargas
The first atomic bomb is detonated at the Trinity Site near Alamogordo in this year.
He was the president who signed the proclamation admitting New Mexico into the Union in 1912.
William Howard Taft
This instrument that is in most bands today was brought to the region by the Spanish.
The guitar
This is the state song of New Mexico.
"Oh Fair New Mexico"