Native America
Saints & Sinners
Red or Green?
This group of soldiers used their own language as an unbreakable code during World War Two.
Who are the Navajo Code Talkers?
A controversial figure known as "The Last Conquistador," he was the first to colonize New Mexico.
Who is Juan de Onate?
The world's first atomic bomb was tested here on July 16, 1945.
What is the Trinity Site?
Head of the Manhattan Project, he quoted, "I am become Death, destroyer of worlds" after watching the world's first atomic bomb test.
Who is Robert Oppenheimer?
It is a political and cultural concept, stating that the United States has the God-given right to expand from coast to coast.
What is Manifest Destiny?
He masterminded the Pueblo Revolt of 1680, which kept the Spanish out of New Mexico for a dozen years.
Who is Pope?
After a shipwreck, this man traveled for nine years through Florida, Texas, and New Mexico with his Moorish slave Estevan.
Who is Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca?
Center of a massive road system and several large pueblos, this place was abandoned by its inhabitants by the end of the 1200s.
What is Chaco Canyon?
Revered by some as a frontiersman and a symbol of the American West, he was hated by the Navajo for his role in the Long Walk.
Who is Kit Carson?
It is the name given to Diego de Vargas's return to New Mexico in 1693, and also the Spanish expulsion of the Moors in 1492.
What is the reconquista?
The U.S. Army forcibly removed nine thousand Navajo men, women, and children from their homeland and sent them to Fort Sumner.
What is the Long Walk?
This man led a two-year, nine-thousand-mile expedition through New Mexico and the Southwest, as far as Kansas and Arizona, in search of the Seven Cities of Cibola.
Who is Vasquez de Coronado?
This place was the site of a long-running battle between factions of rival cattlemen; Billy the Kid was one of the major players.
What is Lincoln County?
Diego de Vargas credited this statue, which can still be seen today in the St. Francis Cathedral, with the success of his "Peaceful Reconquest" of 1693.
Who is La Conquistadora?
This exchange was supposed to benefit the Native Americans (by guaranteeing them protection and religious education) as well as the Spanish (by guaranteeing them food, goods, and laborers.)
What is the encomienda system?
This ancient group built extensive stone pueblos and structures for astronomical observations, but abandoned them because of drought.
Who are the Anasazi?
This man gave his name to "a dramatically widespread exchange of animals, plants, culture, human populations, communicable disease, and ideas" between the Old and New Worlds.
Who is Christopher Columbus?
The people of this pueblo lost a bloody battle with the Spanish in 1598; the Spanish leader ordered that the surviving Indian men should have one foot cut off.
What is Acoma?
A governor of New Mexico, he was unsuccessful in settling the Lincoln County War but he did write "Ben Hur" during his time in office.
Who is Lew Wallace?
For a mere $15 million dollars, the young U.S.A. doubled its area in 1803 by this means.
What is the Louisiana Purchase?
He was a Comanche leader with a distinctive headdress, who was killed by Juan Bautista de Anza in 1779.
Who is Cuerno Verde?
This man invaded central Mexico and conquered the Aztec Empire in 1522.
Who is Hernan Cortes?
The very first capital of New Mexico in 1598, this pueblo did not regain its original Tewa name until 2005.
What is San Juan Pueblo/Ohkay Owingeh?
A Dominican priest, he argued that Indians had souls and thus deserved equal treatment with other Spanish subjects.
Who is Fray Bartolome de la Casas?
Draw up in 1850 to end the Mexican-American War, it guaranteed property rights under Mexican and Spanish law.
What is the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?