Small bug, and you mother's sister.
What is Ant/Aunt
2/9/1964; Approximately 73 million Americans tune into "The Ed Sullivan Show" and see this band of 4 appear for the first time.
Who is The Beatles
This legendary dozen included 2 James', 2 Judas' & an eventual replacement named Matthias.
What is 12 Apostles/Disciples
Due to it being the only color dye the creator had at the time, bubblegum is primarily associated with this color.
What is Pink
The Eek River in this snowy state might be named for the Innuit word for "unknown".
What is Alaska
Crafted, or the upstairs cleaning lady.
What is Made/Maid
2/7/1812; This man behind such works as "David Copperfield" "Oliver Twist" and "A Tale of Two Cities" is born.
Who is Charles Dickens
In Christian art, it's shown as square above living people & circular above saints.
What is Halo
In racing, a flag of this color means that there's one lap left. In France, it means something different to them.
What is White
This name for an upholstered couch or cushion with no back got its name for the empire that introduced it to the Europeans.
What is Ottoman
Wander aimlessly, or a European capital.
What is Roam/Rome
2/2/1848; The U.S. signs a treaty with this country, giving the U.S. land used for 8 states on the West.
What is Mexico
City in which Jesus ate his last supper & from which Muhammad went to heaven.
What is Jerusalem
The color of the Ridge Mountains John Denver mentions in "Country Roads."
What is Blue
The American Lung Association was founded in 1904 to combat this disease.
What is Tuberculosis
Interfere in someone's business, or an Olympic award.
What is Meddle/Medal
2/1/2009; This NFL team from Pennsylvania becomes the first to win 6 Super Bowls after a 27-23 victory over the Cardinals.
What is Steelers
In the Roman Catholic Church, fasting during Lent need only occur on Ash Wednesday & this day.
What is Good Friday
Only 3 men received this military decoration during the Revolutionary War. One of the awards has sadly since been lost.
What is Purple Heart
On April 30, 1939, this Yankee great played in his 2,130th consecutive baseball game, a record which stood for 49 years.
Who is Lou Gehrig
Suppress & remove unwanted material, and a detection device.
What is Censor/Sensor
2/8/1587; She is beheaded by order of her cousin, Queen Elizabeth I.
Who is Mary Queen of Scots
Around 300 A.D. Christianity's main rival was the worship of Mithra, god of this heavenly body.
What is Sun
This colorful vehicle named in a #1 hit song was named after a dessert one of the band's members had in Greece. And drugs.
What is Yellow Submarine
At the premiere of the revolutionary 1927 film "The Jazz Singer" these 3 brothers couldn't show up because the 4th had died only hours previously.
Who is Warner Bros