Another word for money, or the base for baked goods.
What is Dough
Honduras, Mexico, Canada.
What is North America
In French, this curly-haired dog is called a "Caniche."
What is Poodle
In the names of NASCAR auto races this number follows Winston, Diehard & Daytona.
What is 500
It's the largest, deepest, and coldest Great Lake.
What is Superior
Put a vehicle in place, or a public recreational area.
What is Park
Hungary, Lithuania, Albania.
What is Europe
"Leave it to" this semi-aquatic rodent that can cut down trees over 100 feet tall.
What is Beaver
In 1970 this NHL trophy was replaced; the original was retired to the Hall of Fame.
What is Stanley Cup
Ed Asner & Ted Knight co-starred on this actress' "Show" from 1970 to 1977.
Who is Mary Tyler Moore
Horizontal line, or line of seats in a theater.
What is Row
Guyana, Suriname, Bolivia.
What is South America
This common species of rabbit is named for the fluffy white fur found at one end.
What is Cottontail
In the MLB, name the 2 teams that don't end in the letter S.
What is Red Sox & White Sox
This novel by Michael Crichton was the best selling paperback novel of 1993. Helped a lot by the movie the same year.
What is Jurassic Park
Lower, or washing basin in the bathroom.
What is Sink
Chad, Angola, Ethiopia.
What is Africa
A razorback is a wild one of these, just ask anyone from Alabama.
What is Boar
This pro sports team has 3 official mascots: Edgar, Allan & Poe.
What is Baltimore Ravens
It's the number of left handed presidents we had in a row (1-10).
What is 3
Definition, or attitude.
What is Mean
Iraq, Uzbekistan, Mongolia.
What is Asia
Oddly, opossums are related to kangaroos, as both belong to this group of pouched mammals.
What is Marsupials
Of the 3 races in thoroughbred horse racing's Triple Crown, this one is run first.
What is Kentucky Derby
The Araroa is a hiking trail that runs across the 1800+ miles of this country.
What is New Zealand