A feline run over by a steamroller.
What is Flat Cat
Despite most people thinking it has a cool nickname, this state capital actually is 5,280 ft. above sea level.
What is Denver
On June 12, 1987 Ronald Reagan told Mr. Gorbachev to "tear down" this.
What is Berlin Wall/This Wall
Although legends of this character have existed for a long time, his current depiction came from a 1930's Coca-Cola ad campaign.
Who is Santa Claus
In 1962 Mt. Stalin, the USSR's highest peak, was renamed this, for the country's system of government.
What is Mt. Communism
A distant Sun.
What is Far Star
"Pig's Eye" was 1st name of Minnesota capital until a church was built there, dedicated to him.
Who is St. Paul
Paul Revere's 4-word warning given on April 18, 1775.
What is The British Are Coming
This beagle thinks of Charlie Brown as "that round-headed kid" who brings him his supper dish.
Who is Snoopy
The Marasca variety of this fruit is used to make maraschino liqueur.
What is Cherry
The person who shows up after the agreed upon time to take you to the movies.
What is Late Date
Name 2 of the 4 state capitals that end in the word "City."
What is Salt Lake City, Oklahoma City, Jefferson City, Carson City
This president said "The ballot is stronger than the bullet." Ironic.
Who is Abraham Lincoln
This Looney Tunes icon always manages to stay one step ahead of his nemesis Wile E. Coyote.
Who is Roadrunner
Invented for a college football team in the early '60s, this is the best selling sports drink in the world.
What is Gatorade
A eating utensil for hog meat.
What is Pork Fork
From 1945 to 1980, this southwest capital jumped from 99th to 9th in size among U.S. cities.
What is Phoenix
Vince Lombardi declared that "Winning isn't everything, it's" this.
What is The Only Thing
This title horror character was created by its author at 6 Royal Crescent in the resort of Whitby in Yorkshire, and was based off a real person.
Who is Dracula
Newport, Rhode Island is the home to the hall of fame of this sport.
What is Tennis
A shy Athenian.
What is Meek Greek
This Plains State capital of only 14,000 people is the only U.S. capital to share no letters of its state in its name.
What is Pierre
In April 1865 he said, "Go home, all you boys who fought with me, and help to build up the shattered fortunes of our old state."
Who is Robert E Lee
This character, created about 1850, has an artificial leg made of white polished bone.
Who is Captain Ahab
In 1977 John Neumann, a bishop of Philadelphia, became the first American male to do this.
What is Become Saint