Task Scheduler
Permissions and Compliance Tools
General Information

A client wants to know what policy discusses HIPAA incident reporting procedures. What policy would you direct them to?

Breach Policy


OSHA was split into 3 separate courses. What are the names?

Bloodborne Pathogens, General Safety, Hazardous Substances and Waste


A client wants to train staff August of every year. What repeat cycle should be chosen?

Annual Set Date


Please list two enhancements of the Associate Agreements.

-Reminder prior to expiration


-Multiple Associate Types

-Other Associate Name

-Version History


The forms Manager is now called what?

Company Documents


A client doesn't have a certain officer listed in the policy. How can they change their policy to reflect this while still meeting requirements?

Or Other Designated Individual


Name the first policy in the HIPAA Security course.

HIPAA Security Compliance Officer


What is the summary for the recommended way to set up a compliance committee meeting task scheduler?

Tasks will be initially assigned to [1] user today. Additional tasks will be assigned to each user quarterly from the time the previous task was completed.


Please list two enhancements of the Exclusion matches.

-State exclusions

-Alias name a part of profile

-Not having to release matches quarterly

-Links directly to SAM and OIG Website


What tab do you determine the Default Report Frequency and Recipients for delinquent tasks?



Which policy, "establishes standards for determining the minimum amount of PHI necessary to carry out job responsibilities and to limit unnecessary access or disclosure of PHI."

Minimum Necessary Policy


Name 3 topics that are covered in the HIPAA Privacy course.

-Privacy Officer

-Notice of Privacy Practices




-Faxing and Emails

-Phone Messages




-And More!


A client has two supervisors that work together to complete the OSHA Self-inspections at each of their 5 locations. How many task schedulers are needed?



What permission level is needed to change assessment templates?

Edit or higher on permissions


Please describe a subscription vs. a product.

Subscriptions= What a client is charged

Products= What features and content go into an account. 


The following is a policy from one of our longer policies. Which policy is it?

@ACCOUNT_NAME@ is committed to protecting electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) and other electronic systems with sensitive data.  This includes our commitment to identifying and analyzing potential risks to ePHI by conducting structured security risk assessments; implementing training, education, and security measures that reduce risks and vulnerabilities to a reasonable and appropriate level; providing clear guidance on the creation, management, and retention of security-related documentation; and the requirements and responsibilities for responding to and reporting ePHI security incidents.   

The policy also outlines procedures for monitoring and incident identification, reporting channels, assessment, documentation, response, and communication to enable prompt incident resolution and minimize potential harm to patients and the organization.

Security Risk Awareness and Management


How long is estimated to complete the Code of Conduct and Compliance Program course?

45 minutes


Why is auto-assignment not an option for one-time task schedulers?

If auto-assignment is not chosen, the system isn't "Scheduling" anything. A one-time task is a better option.


Please explain why listing someone as a "supervisor" is important?

They can see tasks that are assigned to the user from a different level organization.


There are two ways for us to navigate the customization questions page to a different location. What are the two options?

1. Top left-hand corner, next to profile picture

2. Jump To...


Our Disaster Recovery Plan was added to a new policy.

Which policy is this?

Emergency Preparedness Plan


How many activities are found within the Human resources course? *Hint: There's a way to see it without counting ;)



In the Credential Manager task scheduler, a client wants only managers to be able to upload credentials. This specific client has 4 managers but only 2 locations. How many task schedulers are needed if all managers have a group of credentials to upload?



What are the minimum permissions required in order for someone to successfully assign training (*Hint* It's more than one)

Tasks: Edit

Users: Minimal

Content: Minimal


Under Policies, Procedures, and Documents there is a Document Types tab. Please explain its purpose.

Credential Manager and Document upload task schedulers must have a document type created during or prior to assignment. It groups them into one category since multiple task schedulers are sometimes needed.
