Who is Jesus' mother?
Mary, the wife of Joseph
Who was chosen to replace Judas?
Barthomeow (don't know how to spell it)
What is the first fruit of the Spirit?
Who should we ask for wisdom according to James?
When is Jesus coming?
Only God knows
Who did Jesus raise from the dead?
How was Stephen killed?
They stoned him.
For all have sinned and fall short of the _____________ of __________.
Glory of God
Be quick to hear, slow to _______ and slow to _______.
speak and slow to anger
Who is with us when Jesus ascended into Heaven?
The Holy Spirit
What was Jesus' first miracle?
Turning water into wine
Who did God break out of prison?
Simon Peter
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by ______ and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your _______ and minds through Christ Jesus.
Prayer and heart
We should control what part of our body in James 3?
Our tongue
Why can we trust Jesus?
Because He loves us and died for us. (Other answers accepted)
Who is the good Shepherd?
Who was Ananias' wife?
If you confess with what part of you body will you be saved?
Your mouth
What is one example James gives us depicting a mirror and a man?
About a man looking in a mirror and instantly forgetting what he looks like.
Why did JESUS have to die on the Cross?
Because only someone who was perfect could.
Where did Jesus see Nathanael?
Under the fig tree
What was Saul's new name?
Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with ___________.
What do we put on fire with our tongue?
A whole forest.
What does AGAPE love mean?
Unconditional love. So basically God's love.