this prophet helped many people get to the kingdom of god through baptism
who is john the baptist
where was pompey born
where is rome
who said to the three wise man tha he would go and worship him also.
who is King Herod
when did Jesus enter this world
when is -0- A.D.
when Mary and Joseph where looking for Jesus where did they find him
where is the temple
this prophet was wise and was adored by another prophet.
who is Isaiah
in Jesus parabale where did the good man come from
where is Samaria
who tried to tempt Jesus three times
who is Lucifer
when was john the baptist born
when is 1/2 B.C.
"fear___, for it shall be a sign ____ you. for on this day in the ____ of _____, a savior which is _____ the ____, for this shall be a sign unto you. you shall find the ____ in a manger ______ in swaddling clothes."
what is not, unto, city, David, christ, lord, baby, wrapped.
before peter became a ______ of christ, he was a _________ with wis brother ______
what is apostle, fisherman, Andrew
when Paul was arrested where did he damand to be tried.
where is rome
who killed many followers and apostles of christ after Jesus died
who is Saul
when did Satan tried to tempt Jesus three times
when is 30 A.D.
what innocent creature carried Jesus mother Mary to bethlahem
what is a Donkey
this prophet received multiple visions and revelations.
who is john the revilator
when Jesus cleansed the temple, what city was it in.
where is Jeruselam
when jesus said "don't you have somwhere you should be" who was he talking to.
who is Judah
when did the christ as a child preach to priests in the temple
when is 12 A.D.
When Judah led the romans to Jesus what did Peter do
what is cutting of a gaurds ear
this prophet used to be a murderer, and is now a fisher of men
who is Paul
WHEN Jesus was crucified, where was he
where is Golgotha
who sent spies out to hear what Jesus was preaching about.
who are the pharisees
when did Jesus cleansed the temple of its sins
when is 33 A.D.
when Jesus descended upon the apostles who was not there and said he had to see it with his own eyes
who is Tomas