What two books did Luke write?
Who betrayed Christ and how many times?
Peter betrayed Christ 3 times
"In the beginning was the Word" is the first verse of which Book?
John 1:1
who wrote the four gospels?
Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John
No, there are no contradictions but rather perspectives which all work together and indicate the work of the Holy Spirit.
How many books are in the NT?
Who are the 12 apostles and what are some of their nicknames?
Peter (AKA Simon), Andrew (Peter's brother), James (Son of Zebedee, AKA "Son of Thunder"), John (also the son of Zebedee, AKA "Son of Thunder"), Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew (A tax collector), Thaddeus (AKA Jude), Simon (AKA Simon the Zealot or Simon the Cananaean) and Judas
Which Book starts with the genealogy of Christ?
which John wrote the Gospel of John?
John the apostle
The true identity of our Lord Jesus Christ
What are the four Gospels also known as?
The Synoptic Gospels
Which Book is written to Theophilus?
Which Gospel is the 11th hour Gospel taken from?
Luke 4:38-41
What book(s) did John the apostle write?
The Gospel of John, the three epistles of John, and Revelation
The four gospels are aligned to what?
What does "Synoptic" mean?
Means that the four gospels present the same or common view even though they are written by four different Evangelists
Who is Theophilus?
The identity of Theophilus, mentioned in Luke and Acts, is unknown but Theophilus is a Greek name that means "friend of God" or "loved by God".
Which Gospel is different than the other three and why?
The Gospel of John since it focuses on the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, rather than the common events mentioned in the other three (Crucifixion, Death, and Resurrection).
What does being a "Living Bible" mean?
To be a Living Bible, one must be fully washed by the Word of God through daily reading and studying of the Bible which helps maintain a healthy and strong relationship with God.