This portrait of Jesus describes him as being a shepherd over the sheep. What is the portrait?
The Good Shepherd
""The man they call Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyes. He told me to go to Siloam and wash. So I went and washed, and then I could see."
John 9
This character was Jesus' earthly father.
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
What is Mr. Frick's favorite subject in school?
In John 3, Jesus teaches Nicodemus about the truth of God. How is Jesus portrayed in this chapter?
The Divine Teacher
"Martha answered, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day"
John 11
Caesar Augustus
This term is used to find what the text explicitly says.
What is Mr. Frick's favorite sport?
After Jesus fed the 5000, he told the people "unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you." How is He portrayed in this chapter?
The Bread of Life
"Pick up your mat and walk."
John 5
This character gave birth to John the Baptist.
In the acronym P-R-A-Y, what does the Y stand for?
How old is Mr. Frick
22 years old
The portrait of Jesus in chapter one.
Son of God
"Dear woman, why do you involve me?" Jesus replied. "My time has not yet come."
John 2
This character ordered the deaths of all two year old boys and younger living in and around Bethlehem.
King Herod
The word that is used to describe what the author means to the audience.
What is Mr. Frick's favorite color?
Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at the well. How is he portrayed in this story?
"Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you."
John 6
This character was a widow and held the baby Jesus in the temple.
What does incarnation mean?
Jesus taking on human form