gas mask (worth 500!!!)
boNUs (700) what other invention is he famous for?
Garrett A. Morgan; 3 color stoplight/stoplight
one of the most famous leaders of the Underground Railroad
Harriet Tubman
America's most famous evangelist during the 19th century
Dwight L. Moody
previously named Russian America
electric lightbulb
Thomas Edison
16th president of the U.S.
Abraham Lincoln
John Wilkes Boothe
territory that became our 50th state
a person who comes into a new country to live
inventor of the Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney
organized America's oil industry
BonUS: (300) what other notable distinction did this man have?
John D. Rockefeller; world's first billionaire
Samuel Morse
southern states that left the Union to form their own nation
Confederate States of America
people who spent much time trying to outlaw slavery
Lincoln's announcement that all slaves would be considered free in any state fighting against the Union
Emancipation Proclamation
Alexander Graham Bell
invented the airplane
BonUS (400 each name) what were their first names?
the Wright brothers; Wilbur and Orville
president of the Confederacy
Jefferson Davis
one of the greatest land rushes was in what is now this state
system of dots and dashes used to send messages over the telegraph
Morse code
Homestead Act
gave 160 acres of land to families settling parts of the West
mechanical reaper
bONuS (400) what plant was this usually used for?
Cyrus McCormock; wheat
brought the steel industry to America
Andrew Carnegie
founded the American Red Cross
Clara Barton
where Lee surrendered to Grant in 1865
Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia
sections of land set aside by the government for Indian tribes
battle where the turning point of the Civil War occurred
Model T.
bOnuS (600) this person also wrote a book about what group of people?
Henry Ford; Jews
founder of the Tuskegee Institute
Booker T. Washington
leader of the Rough Riders
Theodore Roosevelt
capitol of the Confederate states
Richmond, Virginia
system of escape routes and hiding places that developed in the mid-1800's to help slaves flee to freedom
Underground Railroad
"remember the Maine" was a slogan during this war
bONuS: What was this war fought over?
Spanish American War; freedom of Cuba
Robert Fulton
developed the assembly line method of production
Henry Ford
Union general whose "march to the sea" hastened the end of the war
BonUS boNUS (700) what state did this primarily take place in?
William T. Sherman; Georgia
place (fort) where the first battle of the Civil War began in 1861
Fort Sumter
a decision that tries to satisfy both sides of an argument
The Union's ironclad ship
bONuS: (600) What was the Confederacy's ironclad called?
Monitor; Merrimack
liquid-fuel rocket
Robert Goddard
general who became commander of all Union armies in 1864
Ulysses S. Grant
his lab was known as "God's Little Workshop"
George Washington Carver
battle that cut the South in two and gave control of the Mississippi to the Union