How many hours of Sleep should a tennager get on a day to day basis?
Eight to Ten hours
Humans can only go three days without what?
When you wake up what should be the first thing you do?
Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Protein Foods, and Dairy are groups of what?
The Five main food groups
What is the average screen time for teenagers?
8 hours
True or False Sleep impacts your Mental Heath?
Gatorade, Coconut water, Orange Juice, Powerade are a popular drink for someone who needs...?
One person needs to at least exercise for how long everyday?
30 Minutes
If I ate avocado toast for breakfast, what two food groups did I just cover?
Vegetable and Grain
When thinking about you future what is the best way to plan for your future?
Setting Goals
93% of Teens don't get enough sleep due to what app?
What is the cap on how much caffeine someone should get in one day
400 milligrams
When a person runs a triathlon what are the event they participate in?
Running, Swimming, Cycling
Doritos, Cake Frosting, Jello, and drinks all have what toxic dye in them?
Red 40
A prayer of gratitude
Phones, homework, stress, to much light, and caffeine do what?
Effect your sleep
Apple Juice is given to Patients in the hospital because of its...?
Everyone does this everyday and it's a form of exercise what is it?
"refer to any food that's changed from its natural state" Is the definition for what kind of food
Processed Food
Tactile, visual, auditory are all?
Learning styles
When someones who struggles with falling/staying asleep what is the term?
Bang, Monster, Rockstar, and Red Bull all have over ___ mg. What is that Number?
True or False when starting working out you should never take rest days?
True or False the body can only survive a week without food?
Does social media affect your emotional heath?
Social Media does Effect you emotional heath