what is the benefits of drinking milk
stronger teeth / bones
should you drink water every day
how many minutes of exercise should a person do a day
30 minninuts
more sleep will give you a better attitude true or false
who teaches mental awareness
what vitamins do nuts hold
E and B
how many cups of water on average should you get a day
name 1 leg work out
leg press
we don't need to sleep everyday true of false
who teaches social awaerness
what I the stranded about of produce/ fruits and veggies should a person intake
At least 5 servings per day
energy drinks are better for you heath than water
True or false
why is exercise important
because it will keep us health and in shape now and in the future
how many hours of sleep should a person get on average
who teaches environmental awareness
what are nutrantail values do eggs hold
calories proteins and fats
name three other types of healthy hydration drinks
water Milk and coconut water/ any fruit drinks
what are some benefits of exercising every day
More energy
Strengthened bones
Improve sleep
Improves mood
why is sleep importation
it keeps mental health up to date an energy levels up
who teaches fitness
name 3 categories of nutrition
Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Vitamins Minerals. Dietary fibre Water
why is hydration important
in keeps you active and helps kidney stones
who created the concept of exercise
Susruta of India
throughout a year on average what is the percent that we sleep
about 33% of your year is spent sleeping
why is j team important
it gives an understanding of the fur true