Reading Vocab.
Writing Vocab
Multiple Choice
Fill in the Blank

A one-sentence summary in your own words that explains what you learned about the topic of the text.

Also known as central ____ or most important ____.

Main idea!

Central Claim + a preview of your reasons = 

A) Debate

B) Argument Essay

C) Thesis Statement

D) Rebuttal

C) Thesis Statement

REMEMBER: The thesis statement needs to be developed before anything else! Having a solid stance and knowing why you picked that stance will make writing your essay a more organized and easy task!


Although the violence in video games is simulated and not real, it is realistic enough to desensitize young players to violence, making them think the actions in the game are okay to commit in real life. 

What is the meaning of the word simulated?

A) simultaneous

B) real

C) fake

D) insensitive

C) fake

If something is a simulation, it is made to look or feel real, but is not actually real.


The first sentence of the introduction is known as the _____, where the author grabs the reader's attention with a bold statement, a shocking fact or statistic, or even a quote.



Name that text feature!

A caption!

A caption is usually about 1-2 sentences long and it summarizes what is going on in the picture it accompanies and/or establishes a connection between the picture and the topic of the article. 


_______ support the main idea by providing more specific explanations or examples about it.

HINT: We quote these from the text! We usually aim to find the best 3 to support our main idea!



What typically shows up in the 3rd body paragraph of an argument essay?

A) Thesis Statement

B) Counterclaim

C) Rebuttal

D) A and B

E) B and C

E) B and C

The third body paragraph is the last body paragraph before your conclusion. This is where you bring up the counterclaim = opposite side from your claim and develop a rebuttal to the counterclaim - your third reason which will explain why the counterclaim is incorrect. 


When we consider the opposing viewpoint in an argument essay. The side opposite to ours.

A) Counterclaim

B) Rebuttal

C) Debate

D) Reasons/Subclaims

A) Counterclaim


The prefix "counter-" means against or opposite.


In our thesis statement, we let the reader of our argument essay know our stance and our three reasons why we think that way. Then, in each of our 3 ____ ____, we explain in detail a reason and provide explanations, examples, and evidence.

Body paragraphs.


Name 4 nonfiction text features.

Some possible answers:







-text box


-table of contents


-charts and graphs


These are words or phrases that help a reader determine the meaning of an unknown or challenging word. 

Context Clues


Which of the following sentences is the thesis statement?

A) Yellow

B) Blue

C) Pink

D) Green

D) Green

REMEMBER: The thesis statement is always the last sentence of the introduction. It is the main idea and basis for your entire argument essay.


What is the topic of the following?

The ancient Babylonians were perhaps the first people to make New Year's resolutions, some 4,000 years ago. They were also the first known people to hold celebrations in honor of the new year. For them, however, the year began not in January but in mid-March, when the crops were planted.

During a massive 12-day religious festival known as Akitu, the Babylonians made promises to the gods to pay their debts and return any objects they had borrowed. These promises could be considered the precursor to our New Year's resolutions. If they kept to their word, the Babylonians believed, their gods would be generous to them during the coming year. If they didn't, the gods would punish them.

A) Babylonians

B) New Year's Resolutions

C) Gods

D) Planting Crops

B) New Year's Resolutions


When we gather evidence to use as support in our argument essay, we don't want to use just any quote. This is why we ____ our evidence by putting our quotes in order from most to least important based on how well they support what we are saying. 



RACE is a strategy that we use to help us write effective paragraphs.

What does each letter in RACE stand for?

R- Restate

A- Answer

C- Cite

E- Explain


Explain why we preview text features before reading an article.

DOUBLE JEOPARDY if you can name 3 nonfiction text features. 

Teacher will evaluate student responses for accuracy.

Example explanation:

Text features help us determine the topic of the article/what it's going to be about.

Text features give us more information about the topic by giving examples and visuals.


Which of the following sentences summarizes the debate?

A) Yellow

B) Blue

C) Pink

D) Green

C) Pink


It is essential to let the reader know what the debate is surrounding your argument. Letting the reader know both sides is key! The best argument is a fair argument.


Which of the following is an example of nonfiction text?

A) The Outsiders

B) Articles on NewsELA

C) Captain Underpants

D) Graphic Novels

B) Articles on NewsELA

REMEMBER: Nonfiction = not + fake

If something is not fake, it is real.

Articles tell about things happening in real life.


(Hinton 65).

This is called a ________. 


REMEMBER: A citation is where you show the reader that you borrowed information from an outside source. To give the author credit, you include a citation to let the reader know who wrote the words and where in the text you found them.


Which holiday do you like the best?

Which of the following BEST restates and answers this question?

A) The holiday I like best is Christmas.

B) Which holiday I like the best is Christmas.

C) The holiday which I am liking the most is Christmas.

A) The holiday I like best is Christmas.


-Write like you would speak

-Be concise: use less words to make your sentence clear.

-Cut out the words you don't need to get your point across.


Which is which? Determine which example is a topic, which is a main idea, and which is the detail.

A) There are many different types of seashells.

B) For example, mollusks in warm tropical waters have a wider variety food sources, so they get lots of different pigments, which results in more colorful shells. 

C) Seashells

A) main idea

B) detail

C) topic


What's the debate? Debates are questions that involve popular ethical dilemmas. Read the following introduction to determine the debate the author is responding to. In other words, what is the question they are answering in this essay?

Teacher will evaluate the accuracy of student responses.

Example responses:

-Are esports more popular than regular sports?

-Are esports better than regular sports?

-What is better: esports, or regular sports?

-Do people prefer esports or real sports?


One way to build immunity is through infection. A person who survives Ebola, for instance, will never suffer through that disease again. But since infection can damage or kill someone, the second way to build immunity — with a vaccine — is the safer option when it is available. (Scientists haven't yet developed vaccines against every disease. Ebola is one disease for which no vaccine yet exists.) 

Which is the best context clue to help us figure out the meaning of immunity?

A) is through infection

B) will never suffer through that disease again

C) can damage or kill someone

D) the safer option --when it's available

DOUBLE JEOPARDY if you can tell the definition of immunity AND get the question above correct.

B) will never suffer through that disease again


being immune means having a high degree of resistance to a disease


A set of moral principles dealing with right and wrong is....



Page Number: 34

Author's Name: Derrick Green

Quote: We feel the COVID vaccine will be successful.

Put this quote in proper MLA format. 

"We feel the COVID vaccine will be successful" (Green 34). 
