How should we enter class?
Quickly & Quietly.
Straight to your desk :)
What should you do while the teacher is teaching? Why?
Actively listen, follow along, make notes, etc.
What are you responsible to do when class is over? Why?
Clean up after yourself. Put your books away. Push your chair in!
What goes at the top of your HW or CW when you get it? Why?
Name and number!!!!
How should we behave in specials? Why?
Better than normal. Respectful, obedient, and kind. Grateful!
What do you bring to class?
Binder, pencil, & anything on the door
What should you do during independent work time? Why?
Work... independently! On your own! Not with your neighbor! If you have a question come to my desk :)
If you see someone drop their books (or anything else), what should you do and why?
Help them! Obvs!
Where does your work get turned in?
What should you do once you have turned it in?
The bins!
Check off your name!!
How do we speak to adults? (Teachers, Staff, Other Parents, Admin) Why?
Respectful & Kind
With manners!
What is the first thing you should do when you sit at your desk? Why?
Look at the board!!!!!!!
What should you do AND NOT DO while working with partners?
Do: Work together, check each others work, encourage one another
Dont: Give answers to your partner
How should your locker look on the inside? Why?
Clean & Organized!
When should you turn your work in?
When you hear me say "turn this in" or read on the smartboard "turn this in"
ALSO The day after it is homework
How should we walk in the hallways? Why?
Quietly, walking (in a line), respectful, etc.
What attitudes are accepted & encouraged? Why?
Encouraging, kind, ready to learn, humble, etc.
What should you do if you need the bathroom or to get water? When can you do this?
*New Rule*
Ask me, and put the pass on your desk!
You can do this during your work time, but not while I am teaching you!
When we leave the cafeteria, what should NOT be left at your table?
Trash, dishes, crumbs, spills. etc.
What is the late work policy?
Old: 1st day- 10pts, 2nd day- 20pts, 3rd day- 0pts
New: 1st day- 25pts, 2nd day- 50pts, 3rd day- 0pts
Why is it important that we encourage one another?
Jesus told us so!
You never know what kinds of burdens other people are carrying. Always be kind!
What should you do on your way to class? Why?
Bathroom, water, get books.
Be mindful of other classrooms :)
What should you do if you have a question?
Raise your hand! Or if it is work time, come to my desk and stand on a smiley.
Where should your books sit during class? Why?
A NICE NEAT stack under or beside your desk
Should you use a calculator on your math homework? Why?
What is your homework to do consistently every night?