What TWO materials should you be bringing into the classroom in the morning?
Planner and take home folder
Should you walk or run in the hallway?
It is snack time. What can I have as a snack and how many?
I can have anything that is a healthy snack choice and it should be ONE snack that only I am eating. I do not share and spilt my snack with other people.
When you use the restroom what voice level should you be using?
Quiet voice- level 0, there is no need to have a conversation in a restroom stall.
What is the expectation for morning recess?
To be eating breakfast in the cafeteria until the bell rings or going outside with all my things, this includes backpack. No one should be coming down the hallway to drop things off at the lockers. If there is snow I need to have snowpants, coats, gloves, hat, and boots. If I do not have those things I can BORROW from room 205. This should not be an everyday thing.
What do I do with my planner every morning?
I should be filling out my planner on the correct date with all my tasks for core classes that is written on the whiteboard in the back of the classroom.
Where should your hands be when we are walking in the hall?
At your side
When should you chew gum in class?
Never! Unless you have been given permission for a special occasion, like testing.
Should more than one person be in the same stall?
No, one person should be in a stall at a time. This is a private time.
I do not understand something or I need extra help with my assignments, where can I go if my teacher is busy or is not available for help?
I can use academic support if I need extra help, do not understand an assignment, or just need a quieter place to work.
What do I need to unplug before crew starts?
You should unplug your Chromebook and make sure it is completely charged. Bonus: Make sure your charging cord is put away on your shelf.
What is the noise level for the hallway?
Level Zero- Lips are sealed
During class, where do you sit and put your stuff?
At your desk/assigned seat for the class. Flexible seating is only for independent work time so nobody should be using them until given permission.
When you finish your busy, what should you do afterwards?
You should be washing your hands when done doing your busy. Dry your hands and throw away the paper towel. Then go back to class.
Who do I go to if there is an issue outside at recess?
I go to the adults that are in charge outside. Please do not wait until you come inside to tell the adult. There is nothing they can do because they were not outside in the first place.
I have all my supplies together. What should I do now?
Once all your supplies and materials are organized for core classes, I should be sitting in the crew circle in the front of the classroom.
Describe the correct way to walk back to class.
Students should walk quickly and quietly, in a straight line.
What do you do if you need a pencil?
Look by the pencil sharpener for an extra pencil and make sure it is sharpened for the day.
You notice that a classmate is in the restroom with you and is not doing the right thing, what do you do next?
Tell your classmate, politely, to stop what they are doing because it is either not safe, not respectful, or not showing integrity. If they do not, then you should tell an adult so they can have a conservation with the other student.
I have eaten my lunch in the cafeteria, where do I go?
After lunch I need to WALK back to our hallway, if I have a lunch box I may drop it off at my locker, get on what I need to go outside, and WALK to the recess doors for lunch recess. You should NOT be in the EL center unless your teacher has given your permission to do so.
What are two other things that I should have done before crew starts in the morning?
I should have gone to the restroom and filled up my water bottle if I have one.
What should the hallway look like during dismissal?
Students quietly walking to the bus, car, or other areas.
What should you do if you need to go to the bathroom?
Wait until an appropriate time to ask to use the restroom. This can be during independent work time or before class starts. DO NOT walk up to the teacher while they are teaching or ask during class discussions.
If I do not show intrigrity or compassion in the restroom or anywhere, what is a possible consequence?
Base camp, loss of privileges, escorted to certain places by an adult, or Mr. Fortier's office (depends on how sereve the action is.)
You have a guest teacher, how do I act?
When a guest teacher is in the classroom you should act as if they are your teacher. Using integrity and compassion if they do not know certain routines we do. If the guest teacher reports back with negative behaviors there could be potential consequences.