What do you do when you want to talk in class?
Raise your hand and wait to be called on!
What should you be doing while waiting for Ms. Cora to come (After language and After Lunch)
We should be quietly waiting, clearing off our desk, and putting our lunch away.
How do we line up?
Quietly - Eyes, Nose and Toes facing forwards. Stand behind someone you know you will be calm around.
What do you do if you have a question when the teacher is busy?
3 before me! Ask 3 friends for help before asking the teacher.
How will I know when to start an activity if my teacher is giving directions?
Wait until she finishes giving directions.
What should the classroom sound like while you are working independently?
It should be quiet!
What signal can you use to ask to go to the bathroom?
Three fingers!
What do you do if you finish your work early?
Read or color quietly
What if I do not have a snack?
You can grab one from the snack bin in the morning or ask a teacher.
How can you show the speaker that you are giving them your full attention?
Whole Body Listening - Eyes are on speaker, Ears are listening, Hands and feet are calm, Mouth is Quiet
How do students respect other students things?
By not touching them or destroying them. If you want to borrow something or look at something, you need to ask nicely first. If they say no, respect their answer and ask someone else.
When can I use the bathroom?
During work time - Not during the lesson! You need to ask before you leave.
What should you do with items that you find in the classroom and don't know who they belong to?
Bring them to the teachers desk and tell a teacher
How do we work independently?
You sit nicely in your chair, do your work, stay at your desk, raise your hand if you have a question.
Where should you put work that is not finished?
In your duotang!
What signal can you use if you need a drink?
Raise 2 fingers
How can i quietly agree with someone?
Showing the me too signal!
Where should you put your work when your finished?
(This is new) In the white basket on teachers desk.
What should you do if you are missing a supply like crayons, pencil, scissors, or glue?
Borrow one from the class supplies, or ask a neighbor if they are willing to share.
How can you be a kind friend at recess?
Taking turns, hands and feet to self, using nice words, including others in your games, etc.
How can you respect others?
By listening to them, taking turns sharing, using nice words, and safe bodies.
Sit at your desk when your area is clean. When you are quiet, you will be called to go get ready.
How do we walk back into the room?
What do you do if you are called out of the classroom for reading groups?
Put away what you are doing without talking, WALK quietly to the door, and join your group.
How can I (or a teacher) get your attention?
Eyes On Me
Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba, (Ba Ba)