What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it?
A Promise
What is the original color of the Statue of Liberty?
Bronze/Copper/brown anything but green
Who was the final messenger
How many letters are in the Alphabet?
What does H2O stand for
You’re running a race and at the very end, you pass the person in 2nd place. What place did you finish the race in?
You finished in 2nd place.
Where is the Kaaba located?
Saudi Arabia
Who was the first prophet?
Prophet Adam
How many planets are in the solar system?
Who made the song Dammi Falastini?
Mohammad Assaf
What belongs to you but is used by everyone you meet?
Your name
What is money in India called
Who had to build an ark because people were ignoring him?
Prophet Nuh
Who painted the Mona Lisa?
Leonardo da Vinci
What year was tata born?
I have a tail and a head, but no body. What am I?
a coin
Which Prophet was in prison for 12 years?
Prophet Yusuf
Who was the 6th president of the united states?
(my favorite name/word to say)
John Quincy Adams
What is the national dish of Palestine?
What 3 numbers give the same result when multiplied and added together
1, 2, and 3
(1 + 2 + 3 = 6 and 1 x 2 x 3 = 6)
What are the three major languages spoken in North America?
English, Spanish, French
who are the 5 major Prophets
Prophets: Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa, and Muhammad (SAW)
What is the largest organ in the human body?
What year was the first IPhone released?