World News
U.S. News

The world watched as a young soccer team was trapped inside a cave in:

a) Cambodia
b) Vietnam
c) Thailand
d) Myanmar



Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Facebook, faced two days of grilling from lawmakers on Capitol Hill about the company’s:

a. monopoly practices
b. news feed algorithm
c. handling of user information
d. sexual harassment policy



The internet erupted in disagreement in May over an audio clip in which listeners hear two different names. What were those names?



Where did NASA’s InSight lander arrive last month, more than six months and 300 million miles since it launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base?



The opening ceremony of the 23rd Winter Olympics, in ____________, unfurled in frigid temperatures and high spirits on Feb. 9, 2018.

a. Beijing, China
b. Sochi, Russia
c. Pyongyang, North Korea
d. Pyeongchang, South Korea



In October 2018, Canada became the first major world economy to:

a. Abolish the death penalty
b. Decriminalize prostitution
c. Legalize recreational marijuana
d. Ban all social media websites



President Trump signed the omnibus spending bill last Friday after threatening to veto it because it did not provide enough funding for the border wall or a solution for DACA recipients. The president said he signed the bill:

a) “as a way to appease congressional Democrats”
b) “as a matter of national security”
c) “as a way to appease the fake news media”
d) “as a gift to the American people"


Which film dominated the box office for months, becoming the third highest grossing movie ever in the U.S.?

a. Incredibles 2
b. Black Panther
c. Crazy Rich Asians
d. Avengers: Infinity War



California, a leader in its clean-energy goals, became the first state to require all new homes to:

a. Install wind turbines
b. Have solar power
c. Install waste-to-energy incinerators
d. Have built-in compost deposits


Which team won their first Super Bowl title on Feb. 4, beating Tom Brady and the New England Patriots?

a. Eagles
b. Chargers
c. Vikings
d. Jets



In France, protesters wearing yellow vests took to the streets this fall. What originally sparked the demonstrations?

a. A cut in minimum wage
b. An increase in the length of the workday
c. Higher food prices
d. A rise in fuel taxes



A final Senate vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court was delayed by a week, after a last-minute push persuaded which Republican senator to support an F.B.I. investigation into Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations?

a. Jeff Flake of Arizona
b. Chuck Grassley of Iowa
c. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
d. Orrin Hatch of Utah



Which artist made history this April when he won the 2018 Pulitzer prize in music as the first non-jazz or classical artist to take home the coveted prize?


In a controversial experiment, Chinese scientists successfully cloned a __________ using the same technique employed to clone Dolly the sheep more than two decades ago.



At the 2018 Winter Olympics, 169 Russian athletes were forced to compete as independents. Why was Russia banned from participating in the Olympic games?



Defense Department officials said in April that American-led strikes against Syria had taken out the “heart” of President Bashar al-Assad’s:

a. air force
b. chemical weapons program
c. military operations
d. mukhabarat (their security forces)


Who accepted the position of acting White House chief of staff this month after initially saying they were not interested in the job?

a. Steve Mnuchin
b. Nick Ayers
c. Mick Mulvaney
d. Ben Carson



At the Oscars, who won the award for best performance by an actress in a leading role for Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri?



A landmark report issued on Oct. 8 from the United Nations’ scientific panel on climate change describes a world of worsening food shortages and wildfires, and a mass die-off of coral reefs as soon as:

a. 2040
b. 2060
c. 2080
d. 2100



On September 27, Hannah Storm and Andrea Kremer became the first all-woman sports broadcasting booth to call any major _________.

a. men’s team sport
b. women’s team sport
c. playoff event
d. sporting event of any kind



The Czech Republic joined the growing ranks of European Union countries that reject a UN pact to regulate the treatment of migrants worldwide called:
a) Joint Initiative for Migrant Rights
b) Migrant Protection Project
c) Global Compact for Migration
d) Gateway Protection Program



In October, after 3000 migrants left Honduras headed toward the U.S., President Trump threatened to cut aid to three Central American nations if they let people travel to the U.S. illegally. Which three countries were they?



A week after winning her sixth Emmy Award, actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus announced:

a. her filing for divorce
b. her breast cancer diagnosis
c. her plan to retire
d. her desire to run for Congress 



What was the most Googled diet of 2018?

a) DASH diet
b) Paleo diet
c) Mediterranean diet
d) Ketogenic diet



Why was the University of Louisville basketball team stripped of a national title and 123 wins between 2012 and 2015 and forced to pay a $600,000 fine?

