This Old Testament book is named after a prophet who married an unfaithful wife as a symbol of God's relationship with Isreal
What is Hosea
“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
What is Joseph?
This woman hid two Israelite spies under flax on her roof and is listed in Jesus’ genealogy.
Who is Rahab
In this parable, Jesus compares the Kingdom of Heaven to a man who sowed good seed in his field, only for weeds to grow alongside the wheat
What is the parable of the weeds?
This king reigned for only seven days, making him the shortest-reigning king of Israel.
Who is Zimri?
This New Testament book written by Paul emphases Christ's supremacy and contains the "Christ hymn" in Chapter 1
What is Colossians?
“If I perish, I perish.”
Who is Ester?
She was the mother of Samuel and dedicated him to the Lord after praying fervently for a child.
Who is Hannah
In the parable Jesus tells of a rich man who builds bigger barns to store his wealth but is called a fool
What is the parable of the rich fool
This man, known for his strength, killed a lion with his bare hands and later posed a riddle about it.
Answer: Who is Samson?
This Book, the shortest in the Old Testament, is a prophecy against the nation of Edom
What is Obadiah?
“The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”
What is Job?
She was the wife of King Ahab and is infamous for promoting Baal worship in Israel.
Who is Jezebel
Jesus compares the Kingdom of Heaven to a man who found a hidden treasure in a field and sold everything he had to but that field
What is the parable of the hidden treasure
This prophet saw a vision of a flying scroll.
Who is Zechariah?
This Old Testament figure, known for his unparalleled patience and endurance, declared, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him," despite losing his wealth, children, and health.
Who is Job?
This person said, "You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good," when forgiving his brothers for selling him into slavery.
Who is Joseph
This prophetess and judge of Israel led a victorious battle against Sisera and is known for her song of praise in Judges 5.
Who is Deborah?
In this parable, a shrewd manager is commended for his cunning actions in settling accounts, teaching a lesson about using worldly wealth wisely.
What is the Parable of the Shrewd Manager?
The Queen of Sheba visited this king to test his wisdom with hard questions.
Who is Solomon?