New York
In which State is situated the city of New York ?
Ellis Island
Where is the Statue of Liberty located ?
Lady Gaga
Which famous singer was born in New York ?
Ellis Island
Where is the Statue of Liberty located ?
Home Alone
Which famous Christmas Movie take place in London ?
8,258 millions
What is the number of inhabitants in New York ?
September, 11th 2001
When did the Twin Towers attack occured ?
Who is the superhero who lives in a city inspired by New York ?
Empire State Building
Which building is very famous in New York ?
Which famous Tv Show take place in New York ?
What is the name of New York's police ?
Big Apple, Gotham, The City That Never Sleeps
What are the surnames of New York ? (name 3 of them)
Eric Adams
Who is the current mayor of New York ?
Wall Street
What is the name of the financial district in New York ?
Night at the Museum
Which movie take place at the New York Natural History Museum ?
Blue, White and Orange
What are the colors of the New York flag ?
The Great Depression
What was the nickname of the stock market crash / economical crisis ?
Frank Sinatra
Who sing the famous song "New York, New York" ?
Rockfeller Center
What is the most famous shopping complex in New York ?
Time Square
Which famous location is often seen in movies ?
Letitia "Tish" James
Who is general procuror of the state of New York ?
When was the city of New York founded ?
Michael Bloomberg
Who is the richest New York resident ?
341 ha
How many hectares is Central Park ?
Which movie shows the darkest side of New York ?