NYC is home of America’s first X, introducing the delicious & Cheesy snack back in 1905
The population of NYC is a little over x.5 million
8.5 Million
NYC consumes 7x more of this beverage than other cities in the U.S.
To live in a one-bedroom in the glamorous streets of Manhattan, you are looking at an average rent of about about $X/month
X were invented in NYC in the late 1800s, as a new way to eat a popular cold & creamy dessert
Ice Cream Cones
The “X Principle”-was named after the taste of this tasty snack, when people realized that the cost of this snack and a subway ride were almost always the same. if the price of one goes up, the price of the other usually follows within a few months.
Your eeda da shark of the ocean or da fish of da ocean! Your new neighbors beat the top predator of the ocean in this category every year- inflicting 10x more innocent victims with X than sharks do
bite wounds
Yay! You've decided you want to operate a hot dog cart in Manhattan. The average annual price to do so will cost you about.. $X
What is the largest ethnic group residing in NYC?