16 years (DCC)
18 Years (GFDC)
What is the minimum age of a staff person?
Not just at drop off, but all day long.
When are daily health checks conducted
CDA, associate degree in early childhood or related field, Plan of study leading to a degree in early childhood.
What are the minimum qualifications for a lead classroom teacher of a day care center?
Ratio in our pre-k classroom
What is children:adult ratio of 1:7?
Only With a MAT certificate and above the age of 18
When is a staff allowed to give medications to a child?
3 written references
The number necessary for employment?
Ratio of adult to toddlers in our toddler classroom
What is the ration of 1:5
Name of your licensor?
Who is T or S?
Regulated Ratio in our GFDC
what is a 1 staff for every 2 infants, 1 staff for every group of 8 (Maximum of 2 babies with a group of 6 under 5 and 2 school aged children)?
To be followed unless it poses a threat to the children in care.
What are the director/providers rules and requests?
Mental health issues and medications that interfere with your ability to care for children.
What can cause immediate termination of or denial of employment in a childcare facility?
When Children can be left out of eye range