What is New Zealand's national sport
What is Rugby union
What is the population of New Zealand?
What is 4,545,627 people?
who are the people that lived in New Zealand before the british
who are the maori
what is the biggest city i NZ
What is Auckland?
The nickname New Zealander's call themselves'
What is Kiwis?
Name at least three of the most played sports in New Zealand?
What is rugby, cricket, soccer, netball, and basketball?
What form off government does New Zealand have?
What is democracy?
How many Maori people live in New Zealand?
+ - 250 thousand
What is 887,493 thousand people?
How many people live in Auckland?
+ - 1 million
What is 1,716 million people?
What is the flightless bird with a long beak called
What is the Kiwi?
Witch years did the New Zealand football team participate in the world cup?
When is 1982 and 2010?
How many wars have New Zealand fought in?
What is 3 wars
What is the name of the maori dance?
What is haka?
how many harbour's are there in Auckland
What is two harbours?
what country is often associated with New Zealand
What is Australia
how many times did the men's NZ national rugby team win the world cup?
what is 3?
What year did New Zealand get found?
What is 1280?
What do the maori believe in?
What is polynesian religion?
what is the capital of New Zealand
What animal are there more of than people in New Zealand?
What is a sheep?
Name one F1 driver from New Zealand
The year New Zealand got it's current flag
+ - 20 Years
What is 1902?
What is "Aotearoa"?
what is NEW Zealand's fourth biggest city called
What is Hamilton?
What is new Zealand named after?
What is the Dutch city Zeeland?