Newborn Noises
Safety and Sanity
Skin Care
This should be done every 1-3 hours in the first week of a baby's life.
What is feeding an infant.
Most women feel these rhythmic movements frequently when the baby is in the womb. They continue on a regular basis after the infant is born.
What are hiccups.
This is the position a baby should always be put to sleep in.
What is on their backs.
This is the position a baby should be facing in the car until they are at least one year old AND 20 pounds.
What is backwards or rear-facing. (Although the longer they stay rear facing the better!)
This typically falls off 7-10 days after a baby is born.
What is the umbilical cord.
Infants spit up often, sometimes large amounts of milk, it is normal as long as... A) the infant is sleeping through the night B) the infant is not uncomfortable, has enough wet diapers and is gaining weight appropriately C) the infant cleans it up afterwards D) the infant is breastfeeding
What is B) the infant is: Not uncomfortable appearing Has enough wet diapers Is gaining weight effectively
True or False: It is common for a newborn baby to sound congested.
What is True.
When newborns fall asleep they spend the first 20-25 minutes in: A) REM sleep B) deep sleep C) light sleep D) dreamland
What is C) Light sleep
If a parent is frustrated with a crying infant, it is OK to do this...
What is put the infant down and walk away.
True or false - This is a normal newborn rash. (see picture #1)
What is True (Erythema Toxicum)
Typically a baby will lose weight during the first days of life but most will surpass their birth weight by this age...
What is 2 weeks old.
A typical newborn spends 1-4 hours a day doing this.
What is crying.
The average number of hours of sleep a new parent loses in the first year their infant's life. A) 50 hours B) 100 hours C) 250 hours D) 350 hours
What is D) 350 hours
This method of warming a bottle is unsafe and not recommended.
What is using the microwave.
Infants have very sensitive skin - you can avoid many rashes by doing these two things...
What is... 1) bathing an infant only 1-2x/week. 2) avoiding soaps and lotions that contain perfumes and dyes.
If a woman becomes engorged it may become difficult for the infant to latch on and feed. Trying this for a few minutes may help.
What is pumping or manually expressing some milk.
This type of sound often will help calm a baby and help them sleep more soundly.
What is white noise.
In order to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) it is important to do this...
What is keep your infant's sleeping area clear of pillows, blankets and stuffed animals.
It is never safe to do this with an infant.
What is shaking.
Many infants are born with this flaking on their head. What is it called and how is it best treated?
What is Cradle Cap and brush the scalp with a fine tooth comb or soft brush to allow it to flake off.
This is the best way to determine whether your infant is eating enough.
What is having increasing numbers of wet diapers and stools.
A baby will recognize this immediately after he or she is born.
What is his Mother or Father's voice.
If a baby is left flat on his/her back this can happen to their skull.
What is plagiocephaly or flattening.
An infant is considered to have a fever when his or her temperature is greater than.
What is 100.4 degrees (rectally)
This skin condition is due to an infant not clearing a yellow substance called bilirubin.
What is Jaundice or hyperbilirubinemia.