This person renamed our publication as "The Maneater"
Who is Joel Gold?
Oscar Meyer Weinermobile improves career readiness as a ____
What is Hotdogger?
This person was the first to apply for news this year
Eric's favorite Artist
Who is Taylor Swift?
A lobster has this many legs
What is ten?
The Maneater was founded this year
What is 1955?
Columbia Mayor Barbara Buffalo kicks off reelection campaign with ___ and ___
What is Pizza and Politics?
There are this many copy chiefs
What is three?
Annie's pet Guinea Pig's name
What is Hen?
There are this many journalists in the US
What is 45,020?
The year the other Maneater was created
What is 2006?
Mizzou building with extensive windows are the cause of many ___ deaths
What is birds'?
Time span of catalogued Maneater newspapers
What is 1955-2023?
This person owns a pink American flag with Drew Starkey's face on it
Who is Ella McGuire?
Amount of schools in the SEC
What is 16?
The celebrity that has a shrine in the newsroom
MU Horticulture Club expands community ___ with plant sale
What is roots?
This was the EIC before Annie Goodykoontz
Who is Scout Hudson?
Who is Chase Pray?
McDonald's once made this flavor of gum
What is broccoli?
MOVE interviewed this artists in 2013
MU's Legacy Walk and Traditions Plaza allow alumni to ___ themselves into ___ history
What is etch and campus?
This is the color of the Mizzouopoly box
What is Yellow?
This person popularized cookies across the globe
Who is Famous Amos?