Happening now
This is the largest, most newsworthy story of the day
direct quote
The death of a teenager
1) on way to work
2) on way to prom
Prom (rarity=drama)
the qualities that make a piece of information newsworthy are known as _______
news values
tells of drama and debate
information about the photo near it
a line put in large font and placed above an article that summarizes the article's content
A young woman was killed this morning when ________
she tried to rescue a dog that had fallen through the ice
was struck by a car while crossing the street
dog rescue (rare, human interest)
The concept of proximity suggests that a news organization is likely to carry a story about a murder, if that crime happened __________
locally or nearby
story is local
a block of text
the first paragraph or opening of a story
___________ is hospitalized in local hospital
1) ebola victim
2) governors son
ebola victim (impact and relevance)
The concept of prominence suggests a piece of information may become newsworthy if it involves _______
a well-know person or authority
affects audience
a close-up photograph of just someone's face
the line that tells a reader the location a story is taken from
How can an event over a decade old become newsworthy?
If new information is released surrounding the event, relevant to audience
the ability to determine the newsworthiness of a piece of information is called
news judgement
Involves a celebrity/well-known persona
the line at the end of an article that tells the reader what page number the story continues on inside the section
who said the quote/the source
News is defined as what a group of readers _____________
need to know and/or want to know
news values are defined by the ______________ and will differ between these various groups of people