Entirely fabricated, relies on fear, spread by bots, utilizes click bait headlines, biased
I'm using my Google News app to get caught up on what's happening. All of the articles/headlines are in the same exact font, size, and color, so it's harder to tell which ones are from sources I trust and which ones are from sources I need to double check
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Vocab example slideshow slide 17
Content farm/content mill
The act of verifying assertions either prior to publication or after dissemination of the content
Fact checking
2/3 of students and adults in a SHEG study couldn't tell the difference between and ads, even when the ads are labeled:
Sponsored content
Click Bait
ALL CAPS, Breaking News! viral stories, drive ad revenue
It's so weird how my search results always have ads and top results that are things that I've been Googling already, or things I already like!
Filter bubble
Confirmation bias
Humor, social commentary, mocks human weaknesses, targets public figures, silly or outrageous
Students are often duped by how the website ______.
looks (about me page, typos, pictures, graphic design)
Confirmation bias
The tendency to believe information is credible if it conforms to the reader's existing belief system
I want people to pay attention to my advertisement, so I'm going to write it like an article and pay the New York Times extra $ to put it on their website the same way their real articles are displayed.
Native Advertising
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Native advertising
Squished together "satisfy" and "suffice". Refers to the tendency of people to select "good enough" information instead of optimal information
When you want to know if your source is reliable, you must ________ the source.
Herding phenomenon
As more journalists begin to cover a story, even more journalists are likely to join the herd, imitating the same angle and not taking new approaches
I'm in an online group of gardeners, and we all like to let the weeds grow as tall as our heads. Anyone who pulls weeds is wrong and needs to be removed from the group!
Echo chamber
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Conspiracy theory
Biased, discredits an opponent, government endorsed, historic precedent, relies on fear
the act of evaluating the credibility of a source by comparing it with other sources. (Open up a new tab and do a search for your source/information)
Lateral Reading
Triangulation/cross verification
Researchers establish validity by using several research methods and by analyzing and examining multiple perspectives and sources in the hope that diverse viewpoints will shed greater light on a topic.
A LOT of people shared that image of a shark swimming on a residential street during a hurricane. It even pops up again during later storms, in different places all over the country!
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May contain both accurate and false information, misleading use of information to influence opinion, utilizes click bait headlines, triggers biases, relies on fear
Out of 3,119 students who evaluated a video of ballot stuffing (recorded in Russia several years ago) as to whether or not it is good evidence of voter fraud in the US, only ___ students actually tracked down the source of the video (by doing a quick search for "video of ballot stuffing" and scanning search results page for Snopes or BBC results)