CARE Court Basics
Limitations/ Concerns

C-A-R-E stands for (in the term "Care Court")...

Community Assistance, Recovery and Empowerment


True or False: CARE Court is designed on the evidence that many people can stabilize, begin healing, and exit homelessness in less restrictive, community-based care setting.



True or False: CARE Court is more restrictive than previous laws regarding involuntary hospitalization/ involuntary treatment? 



The primary goal of CARE Court is to...

Get people with mental health and substance use disorders the support and care they need.


True of False: CARE Court is a short-term strategy to positively impact the individual in care and the community around them.

FALSE: CARE Court is a LONG-term strategy to positively impact the individual in care and the community around them.


 What 1967 act previously authorized involuntary psychiatric treatment in very limited circumstances?

The Lanterman-Petris-Short Act (“LPS”) was enacted in 1967 and sought to end the inappropriate, indefinite, and involuntary commitment of persons with mental health disorders.


For how long CARE Court connect a person struggling with untreated mental illness or substance abuse with a court-ordered Care Plan?

Up to 24 months (2 years).


Name two populations who may be especially good candidates for CARE Court. 

Individuals exiting a short-term involuntary hospital hold or an arrest may be especially good candidates for CARE Court.


How is CARE Court different than previous legislature on involuntary treatment? 

It expands the legal definition by which someone can be deemed “gravely disabled” and treated against their will. The new, expanded definition allows for consideration of whether a person fails to provide for their own medical care or personal safety. It includes not just mental illness, but also severe substance use disorder and chronic alcoholism.


What population does CARE Court specifically serve? 

The plan focuses on people with schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders, those with substance use challenges, and those who lack medical decision-making capacity.


What happens if local governments do not
meet their specified duties under court-ordered Care Plans?

The court will have the ability to order sanctions
and, in extreme cases, appoint an agent to ensure services are provided to those in need. 


True or False: people often blame poverty on mental health/ the mental health system. 

Is this accurate? 


Explain :)


Who can initial court-ordered responses under CARE Court?

The court-ordered response can be initiated by family, county and community-based social services,
behavioral health providers, or first responders.


What are some benefits of CARE Court related to the housing crisis (name 2!)?

-55,000 new housing units

-More treatment slots 

-$10 billion+ annual investment in community behavioral health services for the homeless population  

-A focus on bridge housing to quickly rehouse unsheltered individuals with behavioral health issues

-Creating more housing in general


True or False: Implementing this bill effectively will require an increase in the California's mental health tax. 

