The process in England where common lands were fenced off, forcing small farmers to move to cities is called what?
The Enclosure Movement
Working class individuals lived in small, crowded apartments called what?
What process made steel production faster and more affordable?
Bessemer Process
What is temperance?
A movement aimed at reducing or banning the consumption of alcohol
This is the KOREAN name of Leo's little brother.
Who improved the steam engine, helping to power factories and transportation during the Industrial Revolution?
James Watt
What was the main goal of labor unions during the Second Industrial Revolution?
To improve working conditions, wages, and hours for workers.
Michael Faraday invented the ____________________, a machine that generated electricity?
What is suffrage?
The right to vote
Mr. Ted's nickname for G8 Brad is what?
The cotton gin made the separation of ___________________ and ______________________ much more convenient.
cotton fiber, cotton seeds
According to Marx, the _________________________ and _____________________________ were constantly fighting over control/power in society.
Proletariat, Bourgeoisie
__________________ was the first person to successfully implement the assembly line in factories with his invention of )______________________________.
Henry Ford, Model T
William Lloyd Garrison was an _______________________ who wrote ________________________.
abolitionist, The Liberator
One girl in G6 and one girl from G10 have the same first name. What is the first name?
Which invention from the First Industrial Revolution enabled seeds to be planted more precisely into the soil?
Seed Drill
According to Marx, the ____________________ will lead a revolution in order to establish socialism in a country.
Jacob Riis, a famous photographer from the era, exposed the atrocities of the working class in his book ___________________________________.
How the Other Half Lives
Sojourner Truth is most famous for delivering which speech?
Aint I a Woman?
G10 Ian Kim and G8 Seungji Kim used to attend which school prior to Newton Academy?
SSI Art and Design
Identify and explain at least two of the reasons Industrial Revolution began in England.
Answers may vary.
Explain laissez-faire economics in your own terms and in tree sentences.
Answer may vary.
What is the significance of the Salvation Army during the first and second Industrial Revolutions?
The Second Industrial Revolution provided food, shelter, and support to the urban poor affected by industrialization and poverty.
In the mid-1800s, many countries justifying imperialism due to the emergence of which ideology?
Social Darwinism
Six teachers at Newton currently play for the same team in a basketball league. Name at least five of the teachers.
Mr. Ted, Mr. Kendall, Mr. Edward, Mr. Jonathan, Mr. Daniel, Mr. Kay